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Invoice management

Reduce invoicing workloads with automated solutions to deliver better customer service

Automate invoice processing to save time and money

Even in today’s highly digitized world, invoicing has remained largely paper based. Accounts payable systems that need manual input create bottlenecks in the process that often result in late payments or errors. That means cashflow issues and wasted time. Automating invoice processes improves compliance and accuracy and gives you that time back, so it can be used solving customer issues instead.

Save money
Prevent late payments that result in missed discounts and drive late fees. With automated invoice management, invoices aren’t forgotten, backlogs don’t occur, and due dates aren’t missed.
Improve data accuracy
Remove tedious, time-consuming manual processes where human error can all too easily occur. When fewer mistakes are made, less time is needed to go back and rectify them later.
Create an audit trail
Know who’s approving what, when, and why—and keep a record of it, automatically. With this data trail, you can save a lot of time and effort for your personnel when audit season arrives.
Reduce invoice processing time from days to hours

Everyone wants to get paid on time. But manually processing invoices can slow everything down create cash flow issues, and cause friction between employees and the accounts payable department – or even conflicts with vendors. Now you can streamline and expedite payments, ensuring everyone’s happy.

Streamlined invoice processes from end to end

Robotic process automation (RPA) quickly and accurately extracts data from invoices. It is then automatically routed for review and verification by your accounts payable team, and then either disputed or approved and paid by finance staff.

Image of Robotic process automation
Powering invoice management through workflow

Mapping and automating your invoicing process removes countless pain points that were previously an unavoidable part of invoice management. Connect existing ERP systems via digital workflows to ensure the data is accurately reflected in the accounting system. Automatically route requests to the right budget manager or escalate overdue invoices. Create powerful forms that capture and validate all required data—all while keeping a full audit trail of invoices.

An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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