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Implement intelligent, conversational AI-powered chatbots

Instantly provide the resources users need

Enterprise systems are highly complex and not particularly user-friendly. Information is often siloed and users don’t have quick access to the information they use most frequently. With proper integrations in place, chatbots can instantly connect to enterprise data sources and pull up information, or take quick action on tasks.

Improve user experience
Use a chatbot to find and return the information that the user has requested quickly and accurately.
Leverage artificial intelligence
An intelligent chatbot can understand natural language and answer questions, hear commands, and perform translations.
Add a human element
Escalate a request to a human employee when a bot deems it necessary.
Ask questions, receive answers

Our intelligent chatbot solution leverages robotic process automation technology and K2 Software to facilitate conversational experiences with users. It enables users to ask questions, receive answers, and complete tasks quickly using natural dialogue.

AI-powered chatbots

Users can converse with a chatbot using text, interactive cards, or speech. The conversation can be a quick question and answer, or a sophisticated conversation that intelligently provides access to services. The bot actively learns with each conversation to ensure the services continually learns to be more natural, accurate, and helpful.

Picture of Nintex Chatbot
Work with a trusted partner

Nintex Partner rapidMATION automates processes using both humans and software bots. Their specialties include digital process automation (DPA), robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and chatbots.

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An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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