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Clinical trial recruitment

Get new medicines tested faster and more efficiently with automated processes

Streamlined, automated clinical trial recruitment

Getting new drugs approved is long and complicated. Every stage of patient trials are critical to ensuring new lifesaving medications are safe for the public. Automating clinical trial recruitment allows you to easily narrow down the applicant list, expedite reviews and signoff, and move to the next phase with speed and accuracy.

Faster time to market
Speed up the clinical trial timeframe by automating the process of discovering and routing patients.
Scalable as needed
By removing tedious, manual steps, recruitment can scale to the levels required to meet each trial’s needs.
Watertight data security
Critical, private patient data is kept secure, ensuring you can meet key compliance requirements.
Solve patient recruiting challenges

Recruiting enough participants to test a new medication requires several stages of patient trials that can require 1,000, 10,000, and even 100,000 trial participants, with each trial looking for patients with specific medical conditions. Digital direct-to-patient recruitment strategies have been gaining popularity but routing a potential patient this way—and ensuring their privacy and compliance—can be challenging. With Nintex, you can implement direct-to-patient recruitment efficiently and effectively.

Ensure each step is completed without costly delays

A crucial step in clinical trials is determining whether a response could be a viable participant. Thanks to Nintex, potential patients can discover trial opportunities, fill out a digital form, learn initial information upfront, and receive their invitation call from a trial recruitment specialist. All the while, vital information is routed, documented, and archived, preserving privacy and ensuring company compliance.

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Expedite every step of clinical trial recruitment

From advertising trials to onboarding successful candidates, you can map out and automate the clinical trial recruitment process from end to end. Applicants provide their details via simple digital forms, and reviews and decision notification are routed to all parties involved automatically. Consent documentation is autogenerated and sent to the patient digitally, and quickly returned and processed.

An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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