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Accounts receivable followup

Automate your accounts receivable processes to spend less time on bill collection

Accelerate accounts receivable collections

Dealing with accounts that don’t pay on time is one of the most important tasks your business has. Uncollected bills directly hit your bottom line and negatively impact cash flow. Now you can automate accounting processes and dramatically expedite collections.

Expedite payments
Companies with automated processes get paid faster than companies who use manual systems.
Improve cash forecasting
Track expected payments to improve your cash forecast for more accurate cash flow management.
Reduce bad debt write-offs
Reduce bad debt from 15-to-25% by identifying and resolving disputes, preventing them from becoming uncollectable.
Improve cashflow by collecting on past due accounts

Following up on unpaid accounts is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Late payments impact DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) and your cash flow, limiting your spending power.

Manage and streamline unpaid invoice processes

With automatic alerts prompting accounts personnel to take action, and autogenerated invoices, past due accounts are managed and expedited more effectively.

Picture of algorithm accounts
An automated accounts receivable solution

Manage collections more successfully with automated processes that connect to your accounting system. Automatically prompt team members to check and update invoice status at preset intervals, autogenerate invoices or other documents, and notify the collections department if further action is needed.

An automation solution for every industry

No matter your industry or business role, the Nintex Process Platform gives your team the tools - and time - to get your best work done.

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