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Automation and Intelligence: Essential Technologies for Digital Governments
Webinar with City and County of Denver and 451 Research
Governments now pursue transformative means to better serve citizens, offer new or improved services and extract greater operational efficiencies. They will require holistic and uniform means to design, develop, deploy and manage self-service applications and automate government operations across distributed IT infrastructure and cloud services that now compose modern IT.
The essential technologies needed for to enable digital governments treat the processes used to create and deliver services as a portfolio of strategic assets. They include next-generation capabilities for process documentation and analysis, automation, and means to extract intelligence from execution to improve outcomes.
Please join Carl Lehmann, Principal Analyst at 451 Research, Steve Witt, Director, Public Sector at Nintex and Evan Pfaff, Senior IT Developer at City and County of Denver, to learn the strategic thinking and technical apparatus needed to digitize government operations and services by:
- Describing the fundamental techniques needed to craft compelling digital transformation strategy.
- Revealing how emerging process asset management tools treat and control business processes as a portfolio of strategic assets.
- Discussing how next-generation digital automation platforms enable and support digital government.
Attendees will learn the strategy and practices needed to digitize government services by examining the new crop of automation and intelligence technologies essential to fulfilling digital transformation strategy in the cloud era.