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Getting started with process automation: process mapping
Improving operational effectiveness through process management, governance, and execution
In today’s organisations it’s never been more important to make sure your workforce understands how your company performs, which processes to follow, and how to provide feedback to keep up to date, especially as the majority of us are still working from home. Teaching new starters how to follow your processes is critical to successful onboarding, but many struggle as they get to grips with online teaching sessions and dusty process manuals, but there is another, much more engaging way.
Organisations who put processes front and centre, and build a process culture into their DNA quickly achieve better compliance, governance, and efficiency.
Join Nintex experts Luke Richardson and Ishan Sellahewa in this webinar and see how Nintex Promapp® improves operational effectiveness through improved process management, governance, and execution.
Attendees of this webinar will learn:
- How putting processes into the hands of your workforce improves working practices
- To keep processes alive and up to date through formal feedback methods
- How process management eases the onboarding of new team members
Watch on-demand now