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Nintex achieves four leadership positions in Zinnov Zones for Intelligent Automation (IA) Platforms, H1 2023 ratings

Exhaustive analysis reveals rankings of 100+ automation platforms and specialist vendors

As the industry’s most comprehensive assessment for automation platforms Zinnov’s Zones Ratings, through its multi-pronged framework, assesses platforms that are able to effectively accommodate the increasing demand for intelligent automation by enterprises.  

Participants are rated on their overall capabilities across the automation lifecycle, including the following categories: intelligent automation, process intelligence, intelligent document processing, robotic process automation, low-code application development, and intelligent virtual agent.  

Download the Zinnov Zones for Intelligent Automation (IA) Platforms H1 2023 analysis to: 

  • See how Nintex fared in the Leadership Zone of Zinnov Zones in H1 2023 for intelligent automation (IA), robotic process automation, process intelligence, and low-code application development.  
  • Get a breakdown of the Nintex peer assessment for intelligent automation, process intelligence, intelligent document processing, robotic process automation, low-code application development, and intelligent virtual agent.  
  • Understand how Zinnov’s three-layered intelligent automation (IA) technology stack drives discovery to interactions. 
  • Discover how Zinnov uses a combination of data, sectoral intelligence, and insights to evaluate and classify intelligent automation (IA) platform vendors.