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COVID-19 Just Accelerated Your Road to Automation
COVID-19 has exposed massive process inefficiencies. As remote became an imperative, many manual and paper-based processes simply stopped working. The result? Customers, citizens, patients, and employees left hanging in a time of great need. But, the crisis simply exposed and accelerated a trend we already knew well and understood.
Forrester data indicates that process automation was a strategic initiative for many organizations before COVID and remains so after. Organizations that embrace and leverage wide-scale automation will thrive with the ability to react and adapt quickly. With that in mind, COVID is not only a crisis, but a wake-up call to make process automation, low-code development, and embracing the cloud at scale an integral part of your business strategy.
Join David Kroll, K2 Software Senior Product Marketing Manager, and guest speaker Rob Koplowitz, VP & Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, as they discuss how to prepare your organization for this coming reality.
During the session you’ll learn:
- How the current COVID-19 pandemic is creating the need to digitize manual processes.
- How to rank and prioritize processes for digitization efforts.
- Why they should strategically leverage a tool for restoring operations.
- The types of technologies that are available to help them bridge the gap.
- How to apply a DPA platform aggressively to automate processes and insulate your business.