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Take the pains out of your vendor onboarding process today

Did you know vendor onboarding is a business process that is often made up of 80 to 90 manual steps? From identifying a business need, to finding a vendor, to performing due diligence, to contract redlining, to actual onboarding of the new vendor, this process is mired in manual handoffs and error-prone procedures.

One of the biggest issues with a manual vendor onboarding process is the lack of visibility, leaving the hiring manager in the dark and creating unnecessary angst. Couple that with compliance issues when due diligence is not done properly, it’s a recipe for increased audit risks and project delays.

This is where Nintex can help. Automate your vendor onboarding process so not only does the hiring manager have complete visibility, but accelerate your contract redlining procedure while abiding by the right due diligence procedure to reduce any compliance issues. Fast-track onboarding to help your vendors settle in and get to work, fast.

Watch now to experience how to:

  • Get started fast with Nintex vendor onboarding solution
  • Leverage Nintex automation software to accelerate the process and reduce potential risk
  • Connect your existing business systems to Nintex solution