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On-demand webinar

Digital Fitness in Government

Develop speed, agility and strength to handle issues big and small

Even in the most ordinary of times, state and local governments are under constant pressure to meet their core mandates—better serving constituents—while finding ways to do the most good possible despite chronically lean budgets and resource constraints. But when such daily demands are tested by a once-in-a-century crisis, resources and tools can be stretched to the breaking point.

Almost every public agency was urgently pressed to deliver massively increased services in radically different and difficult conditions. The need for services increased just as tax revenues plummeted, leaving city and local governments struggling to do more with less. Amid the upheaval, many quickly realized that the massive shift to remote work and delivery of services made their outdated paper-based and manual procedures nearly inoperable. Organizations that were ‘digitally fit’ were able to respond quickly while organizations that weren’t struggled to quickly catch-up.

In this webinar, we will walk through an approach to building digital fitness within an organization to help be better prepared to tackle the process challenges of tomorrow, while improving your constituents’ experience today. As with any type of fitness, it takes preparation and ongoing effort to excel. An organization that practices digital fitness helps build the muscles needed to consistently meet citizen expectations so that it can weather a wide range of challenges.

You will learn:

  • The four pillars that make up digital fitness
  • Examples of how agencies successfully transformed using digital process management and automation
  • Why process automation can get you started on this digital fitness journey quickly and painlessly

Watch to learn more about digital fitness for government

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