IDC, sponsored by Nintex, reveals ways to automate for success in this free whitepaper. Read now x

Understanding Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation describes a business-driven environment where everything that can be automated within an organziation is automated, with the overarching goal of streamlining processes across all parts of the business. In a nutshell: the mindset of hyperautomation is anything that can be automated should be automated.

Defining Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation takes automating repetitive tasks and activities to a level that impacts all areas of the business. Any task or process that can be automated is automated end to end—without any need for human intervention. It takes streamlining processes to a heightened level of maximum efficiency and productivity. 

The term debuted on Gartner’s top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020, and continues to hold its place as a leading technology trend year after year. Gartner defines hyperautomation as a “disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible.” Hyperautomation is considered to be a transformative approach to creating significant process improvements across the organization. 

This business-driven approach goes the distance in defining a broad strategy to scale automation in highly articulated alignment with strategic goals. 

Examples of Hyperautomation

Industries from banking and insurance to healthcare can all significantly benefit from hyperautomation. From data entry in healthcare to customer support in banking, hyperautomation can do the heavy lifting by automating routine tasks and processes. 

Hyperautomation vs. Automation

Automation is certainly not a new concept. It was first embraced in the 1990s in the context of automating user interface testing. From there, automation expanded into the banking and insurance industries by automating data extraction from applications for use elsewhere. This enabled organizations to efficiently manage large amounts of data. 

In 2012, robotic process automation, or RPA, was broadly introduced and gained significant traction and adoption in many organizations. Hyperautomation, however, is a newer concept that focuses on bringing complex automation technologies together to radically streamline business processes. 

Hyperautomation shares the same goal of streamlining processes and routine tasks, but applies this concept organization-wide and from top to bottom and end to end. Any task or process that has the capacity of being automated is automated. And every intelligent tool is optimized to deliver the absolute greatest benefit across the organization, enabling companies to do more with their tools. 

Automation refers to the use of technology to automate routine, repetitive tasks without human intervention. Hyperautomation is the combined use of intelligent technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), forms automation, workflow automation, RPA, and document automation to automate processes end to end. The difference between the two terms is their scope. Hyperautomation also requires an orchestration layer to make sure everything works together. 

The Benefits of Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation is key for staying competitive in an increasingly digital world because alignment with tactical and strategic organizational goals is at its core. Businesses can achieve more and deliver excellence by embracing end-to-end automated processes across the organization.

Other benefits of hyperautomation include:

  • Radically streamlined processes
  • Greater efficiency and productivity
  • Stronger employee engagement
  • Razor-sharp focus on strategic initiatives
  • Superior customer experience by delivering value
  • Better business agility and scalability

How to Use Hyperautomation

Identify processes and tasks to automate

Identify the repetitive processes and tasks that can be automated. 

Choose the right hyperautomation tool

Once you’ve identified the processes and tasks to automate, it’s time to choose the right hyperautomation tool.
Start your search here by requesting a demo.

Train users

Get users up to speed quickly by providing them with resources like documentation and training sessions. 

Measure performance

Measure performance to ensure that outcomes are aligned with overall business objectives. Use these insights to optimize efficiency. 

Hyperautomation Use Cases

Hyperautomation enables organizations to automate end to end across all levels of the business to significantly increase efficiency and overall excellence. 

Administrative processes in healthcare
Managing data and regulatory compliance while meeting patient needs and expectations is a tall order. Automating administrative processes enables healthcare organizations to remain fully compliant with security regulations and focus on the health and well-being of patients rather than manually managing data.

Operational efficiency in banking
A wide range of repetitive, manual tasks, such as data migration due to acquisitions, data reconciliation, or report generation can significantly bog down efficiency. Automating these tasks with RPA bots and other automation technologies completes the tasks quickly and can be done 24/7.

The Future of Hyperautomation

Growth in the global market for technologies that enable hyperautomation can be measured by the billions in recent years. As more organizations discover the benefits of automation on processes and the bottom line, hyperautomation will continue to be a leader in growing technology trends and applications. 

Are you ready to discover what hyperautomation can do for your organization? Request a demo.