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Customer Use Policy

Last Updated: April 2019

Nintex is committed to providing the leading process management and automation platform to its customers. We have created a cloud platform to help you manage, automate, and optimize human- centric, manual, and paper-based business processes. In exchange, we trust our customers (“you”) to use the Nintex process management and automation platform (hereinafter the “Service”) responsibly.

You agree that you, or anyone else using the Service through you, may not use the Service in a way that:

Violations of this Policy may result in suspension of your access to the Service. Nintex will suspend your access only to the extent reasonably necessary and will provide reasonable notice before suspension.

For Nintex workflow platform customers, there are no limitations on the number of Design Actions or the Workflow design elements that you may use. For Enterprise Edition customers, there is no limit on the number of mobile workflow applications that may be deployed with Nintex App Studio. However, Nintex has found that certain practices and designs allow for an optimal experience while using the Service. These include avoiding workflow design that creates excessive or indefinite looping and use of high volume automated means to access the service. If Nintex becomes aware that your use of design actions, mobile workflow apps, or your workflow designs are causing performance concerns for you or other Nintex users, you will be contacted to discuss optimizing your use of the Service.

For all customers, if you exceed your entitlement limits, you will be provided notice thereof in the Service. If you continue to exceed your entitlement limits for a period of not less than thirty (30) days after notice thereof, Nintex may suspend your access to the Service with reasonable prior notice. Customers should implement appropriate controls to ensure that only users authorized by the Customer have access to the Service and that no actions are taken by these users which would impact the continued security of the Service.

The Nintex Service was designed under the assumption that certain controls would be implemented by the users of the Service. You should evaluate your internal control structure to determine if the appropriate controls are in place. You are responsible for the following:

Contact Us. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this Policy, please contact Nintex at