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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Process excellences takes flight at Wizz Air

Process excellences takes flight at Wizz Air

European airline, Wizz Air, uses Nintex Promapp® to map, manage, and optimize its business processes to deliver great flight experiences at the lowest cost to its customers.

Wizz Air
Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

Wizz Air is Europe’s fastest growing and greenest airline, with 710 routes between 151 airports and 44 countries. Headquartered in Budapest, Hungary the airline transported nearly 40 million passengers in 2019.

What they needed

The airline needed a process mapping and management tool to standardize and centralize its processes, including safety-related procedures, for its 4,500-plus employees.

How they did it

Wizz Air is leveraging Nintex Promapp® to map and manage its processes across the company and enable a process-driven culture.

Process-driven culture supports business goals

Operating in a price sensitive market requires Wizz Air to eliminate waste and keep costs low. In 2018, the European Airline made process excellence a company-wide initiative and invested in Nintex Promapp® to better document, understand and improve process across its business.

Wizz Air set out to document all 150 of its high-level core processes in Nintex Promapp® in its first year of use. Thanks to the easy-to-use and drag-and-drop interface of Nintex Promapp®, Wizz Air successfully documented all 150 core processes and more. To date, the company has successfully captured over 1,100 procedures and processes in Nintex Promapp®.

We see Nintex Promapp® as the principle tool for documenting our processes and for discussing how we’re executing processes in our business. Our investment in Nintex is helping us to quickly become an even more process-driven business.
Francis Hardy, Process Automation Manager, Wizz Air
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