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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|New Zealand Fire Service improves critical emergency processes with workflow automation

New Zealand Fire Service improves critical emergency processes with workflow automation

Simplifying complex processes to keep the community safe

The New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS) responds to emergencies and dedicates a significant amount of resources to preventing fires through education programs, community outreach efforts, and working with building owners.

The organization relied on paper-based processes that had become essential to the operation of NZFS. Documents and essential data were routed by hand for input and approvals, then stored in a wide range of places.

“There was a lack of information flow between people and processes,” says Lesley Jones, senior business analyst and project manager. “Valuable information could be missed, and often, we could not confirm that the data we had was the most current.”

To resolve these issues, NZFS turned to Nintex Advanced Workflow for automation solutions.

New Zealand Fire Service
Capabilities Used
Automation Cloud

Who they are

The New Zealand Fire Service comprises 450 stations and up to 8,000 full-time and volunteer staff who work to protect and serve communities throughout New Zealand.

What they needed

Manual processes were miring the New Zealand Fire Service’s projects, reporting, and operations in errors and delays.

How they did it

Nintex Workflow for SharePoint enabled the organization to automate workflows, increase accuracy, and improve service across the country.

An enhanced level of service

By automating their highly complex, time-consuming workflows and providing a highly organized central workflow system, NZFS has enhanced the level of service it delivers to the community.

“Using Nintex Workflow has greatly improved our reputation with other government agencies. The standard of the reports we produce and the level of fire mitigation is so much higher than it was previously. Not only are we delivering a better level of service, we are now able to set baselines that allow us to quantify and measure certain service levels for the first time,” says Jones.

We have very complex processes. One of the things I like best about Nintex is how configurable it is.
Lesley Jones, Senior Business Analyst & Project Manager, New Zealand Fire Service
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