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New Zealand Couriers Address the Challenge of Consistency

New Zealand courier empowers nationwide team with Nintex Promapp®

New Zealand’s leading courier company wanted to ensure that they can retain complete control of the number of business processes they were developing. As they continued to grow, they needed a central place to store all of their processes. Using Nintex Promapp®, the company was able to streamline their various processes and continue to improve their service.

From the head office to various branches and contractors on the road, Nintex Promapp® helps to ensure clear and consistent best practices across the New Zealand couriers’ network.

New Zealand Couriers

Who they are

New Zealand Couriers is Freightways’ flagship brand and is positioned as a primary provider of network carrier services to New Zealand businesses. With 46 trucks, 5 cargo planes, 22 branches and over 600 couriers, their overnight delivery service covers 99.9% of New Zealand.

What they needed

Maintaining operational consistency across the various branches was a challenge for New Zealand Couriers. The company needed a solution that would allow them to offer more control and implement effective process improvements to meet future needs.

How they did it

Nintex Promapp® was selected due to the vast improvement management features. In addition, the platform offers the risk and compliance controls that New Zealand Couriers needed to implement in their business management solution.

Delivering reliability

New Zealand Couriers’ approach to process management with Nintex Promapp® was to keep it simple, focusing on the fundamentals. They started by identifying their key processes and how they were being performed. From there, they could easily understand and map what improvements needed to be made.

Nintex Promapp® provides the company with the compliance platform and feedback loop they need to manage their growing business.

Promapp® provides a central place for us to store our processes so we can make sure that we’re all sticking to the best practices that we have protected over the last 50 years.
Vicki Bedwell, National Customer Services & Human Resources Manager, New Zealand Couriers
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