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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|New Belgium Brewing Co. gets beer to market faster with Nintex Workflow for SharePoint

New Belgium Brewing Co. gets beer to market faster with Nintex Workflow for SharePoint

Saves weeks or months per new brew launch

Launching a new beer involves multiple departments and teams at New Belgium Brewing Co–each with its own set of tasks and processes to follow. About 20%, or 100 of 570, of New Belgium’s employees are involved each launch.

New Belgium traditionally relied on Outlook, meetings, and SharePoint to track and manage tasks related to product launches. However, this ad hoc system created communication gaps, causing schedule delays. New competitors continually enter the craft beer market, so every day that a launch is delayed is a day lost to the competition.

“We had to be more dialed in,” Tye Eyden, Collaboration Business Analyst at New Belgium Brewing Co. says. “We couldn’t just be working in email and have communication gaps. There’s too much stuff to coordinate with artwork, brewing, packaging, securing raw materials and all the other components in getting beer out the door. We’d leaned on SharePoint; we didn’t have that workflow component.”

New Belgium Brewing Co. realized workflow automation was the answer. After researching options, the company decided on Nintex Advanced Workflow for SharePoint to automate and coordinate tasks related to unveiling new brews.

New Belgium Brewing Company
Food & Beverage
Capabilities Used
Automation Cloud

Who they are

Started in 1991, New Belgium Brewing Co. has become the fourth largest craft brewer in the United States. The company’s most popular brews include Ranger IPA and Fat Tire Amber Ale, inspired by the co-founder’s bike trip through Europe.

What they needed

New Belgium Brewing Co. planned new product releases through email, meetings, and SharePoint. This ad hoc system created communication gaps that slowed down launches. New Belgium needed a better way to track and manage tasks, improve communication among team members, and shorten launch timelines.

How they did it

To enhance its speed to market and respond faster to market dynamics, New Belgium integrated Nintex Advanced Workflow into its existing SharePoint and Office environment. With Advanced Workflow, the brewery quickly implemented no-code workflows to schedule and coordinate the tasks related launches—saving weeks or months per new beer.

Digital workflow automation eliminates ad hoc email processes

New Belgium Brewing Co. now uses Advanced Workflow to automate all the processes for launching new beers and creating new packaging. With Advanced Workflow, they can quickly track the myriad details of releasing new beers into the marketplace.

“We saved days, weeks, sometimes months per beer,” Eyden says. “It’s time we have back in our day to refine the solution. We could not react to the marketplace, financially and efficiency-wise, without timing beer launches right. With this process, we are more reactive to the market and quicker in our decision-making.”

Faster time to market, improved communications, automated task scheduling and tracking. New Belgium Brewing Co and Nintex Advanced Workflow—that’s a winning recipe.

Nintex helped us be a better brewery…. It saved us time. It saved us a ton of money. It saved us a ton of effort.
Tye Eyden, Collaboration Business Analyst, New Belgium Brewing Co.
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