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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Home Group improves customer experiences with Nintex Advanced Workflow

Home Group improves customer experiences with Nintex Advanced Workflow

Advanced Workflow helps reduce dispatch error rate to below three percent

Home Group is a social enterprise and charity in the U.K. that provides social services and private housing to tens of thousands of tenants and prospective property owners in England, Scotland, and Wales. They service more than 120,000 customers and provide housing-based support programs.

When something goes wrong, tenants call Home Group, who then schedules a visit from maintenance vendors. This manual dispatch process increased mistakes and sometimes caused double-scheduling. Home Group knew they needed to develop a better process to reduce errors.

Home Group
Capabilities Used
Automation Cloud

Who they are

Home Group is a social enterprise and charity in the U.K. that provides both social services and private housing to tens of thousands of tenants and prospective property owners.

What they needed

Inefficiencies within the call center’s processes often meant inaccurate or duplicate repair orders--causing unnecessary or repeat repair visits. They needed a way to improve the accuracy of their repair reports and reduce the number of unnecessary repair visits.

How they did it

Nintex Advanced Workflow now collects information into a searchable hub with automated process steps. This has reduced the number of incorrect and duplicate repair orders, repair visits, and ensured that repairs are handled on the first occasion.

Knowledge management for faster, more accurate work

Based on the recommendation of IT partner Technology Services Group, Home Group built a knowledge management solution using Nintex Advanced Workflow. Because repair order information is all in one place, it is easier to find. Advisors not only save time, but their work is more accurate because relevant details are current.

With the new system, Home Group’s Information Systems department answers business questions faster and more efficiently than ever before. It used to take a month to get a new customer service operative trained and able to take calls. Now anyone in the call center can address questions.

There has also been a reduction in second visits to address problems. The new automated approach provides more details for contractors and has resulted in improved first-time dispatch accuracy, with the error rate now below three percent.

Reduced error rates, faster training times, and improved customer service for UK-based Home Group. That’s the power of Nintex.

The knowledge management solution is proving hugely beneficial, saving Home Group money and time in training up the call handlers. Our ability to get an issue resolved first time has improved, reducing the risk of having to revisit properties. It has also received great feedback from customers and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Donna Middleton, Director of Customer Experience, Home Group
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