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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Gaining more time to focus on quality of care

Gaining more time to focus on quality of care

Chris O’Brien Lifehouse is a leading cancer hospital based in Sydney, Australia. Lifehouse provides an integrated service including advanced onco-surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, clinical trials, research, education, complementary therapies and psychosocial support. Chris O’Brien Lifehouse opened in 2013 with best-in-class clinical and non-clinical systems. The company uses Nintex K2 Five to gain greater visibility into processes, save time, deliver value to the organization, and gain more time to focus on quality of care.

Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
Health & Life Sciences
Capabilities Used
Application Development

Who they are

The mission Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, a not-for-profit, comprehensive cancer hospital, is to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, carers and their families by advancing the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of the disease.

What they needed

Lifehouse needed a flexible solution that could integrate with, and pull data from the several systems its used to improve crucial legal processes.

How they did it

The non-profit hospital used K2 Software to digitize workflows and forms, increasing accountability and efficiency.

Supporting legal industry processes

Challenge: Looking for speed, visibility, and value

As with most hospitals, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse has many systems that are used across the organization for visibility and consistency. In an attempt to improve the large amount of manual processes they relied on, the organization turned to SharePoint and InfoPath. Lifehouse, however, found that the hospital still required more speed in delivering the end product with more visibility into the processes.

They sought to augment existing resources with a robust, flexible solution that could integrate with, and pull data from, several systems at the same time. Lifehouse also needed forms and workflows that were simple enough for end users to utilize. And that’s where K2 Software came in.

“We needed something that would give significant ‘bang for buck,’ being a nonprofit hospital, and Nintex K2 Five’s functionality and features were significantly better than other platforms we had researched,” Andrew Lawler, Technical Services Manager at Lifehouse, says.

Solution: A quick and easy solution

K2 Software provides Lifehouse with everything they wanted and more. As Lawler says, “From the initial presentation, it was far superior to anything else we had witnessed in the market.” Chris O’Brien Lifehouse currently has several K2 Software solutions implemented across the organization, and feedback is all positive. Users report that it’s quick and easy to review where hold-ups are in processes and resolve as necessary.

Their Policies and Procedures automated solution is made up of different workflows that greatly reduce time needed to monitor and report. It gives staff the ability to submit a document for review, alert reviewers and add comments, with feedback mechanisms and independent task allocations along the way. The solution’s workflow view helps them find bottlenecks and check the status of workflows without developer interventions.

And most importantly, a more streamlined back office helps front office procedures run more smoothly as well—positively impacting the hospitals’ focus on patient care. “K2 Software’s cherry on top is that it has an excellent workflows view for end-users to allow empowerment of the ‘super-users’ to take responsibility for their own workflows,” says Lawler.

Lifehouse’s Printing Application workflow increases accountability for large volumes of color printing and copying. It gives users the ability to apply for printing privileges via a web form, alert approvers of a new application quickly, and integrate groups with an active directory of approved applications. “This process was developed using Nintex K2 Five and our developer in record time,” Lawler says. “Training for the process, along with approvers and users’ uptake of the systems, was rapid and problem-free.”

In the future, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse hopes to continue streamlining and automating their internal processes with K2 Software in order to have more time to focus on what really matters: improving their center of excellence and quality of patient care.

We needed something that would give significant ‘bang for buck,’ being a nonprofit hospital, and K2 Software’s functionality and features were significantly better than other platforms we had researched.
Andrew Lawler, Technical Services Manager, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
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