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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|ConnectWise seamlessly integrates multiple business units using Nintex Promapp®

ConnectWise seamlessly integrates multiple business units using Nintex Promapp®

Nintex Promapp® allowed for a seamless system of over 1,500 processes using a variant management tool.

When ConnectWise decided to rebrand, they brought four separate business units together. These units had previously been quite separate, which meant they were using a range of disparate processes and tools. Making sure all four units were able to work together and communicate effectively involved making process management consistent – which is where Nintex Promapp® came in.

Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

ConnectWise empowers technology solution providers to reach their goals faster through its award-winning software suite. When they integrated their four business units under one umbrella, you could still see the ‘cracks’ where they joined.

What they need

Duplications, clones of material, process variations, outdated documents and other issues were tangling up ConnectWise’s systems and slowing things down. They found a solution to these issues - and more - in Nintex Promapp®’s process management software.

How they did it

ConnectWise used Nintex Promapp®’s process variant management add-on, ConnectWise now has a much more seamless system. The simple drop-down menu leads people to their business unit where they can find the right process variation to meet their needs.

Prompt process change

“Previously, it was four different people, four different times, making the same modification in four different places. Now, one person makes the change and it pushes out to all four  systems at the same time – saving us time.” – Robert Browning, Connectwise

‘‘I work with very tech-savvy colleagues and they don’t want to sit and read a 20-page standard operating procedure. Nintex Promapp® makes process info easy to read and to relate to – it’s succinct and works well with this demographic.’’
Robert Browning, Documentation Specialist, ConnectWise
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