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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Christchurch City Council builds a process culture with Nintex

Christchurch City Council builds a process culture with Nintex

Process management helps deliver quality services to the local community.

A modern work initiative is underway at Christchurch City Council to provide staff with an environment that reflects how people want to work. This initiative has been partly driven by the change in working conditions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Good processes will help drive this change and teams at the Council who have implemented process management are seeing the benefits. However, there are still some manual processes in use, some out-of-date processes, and some processes that are not being documented. All of these variables present some risk that organizational knowledge is not being captured, is being incorrectly captured as process documentation becomes out of date or being lost altogether as people move on.

Christchurch City Council
Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

The Christchurch City Council is the local government authority for Christchurch in New Zealand. It is a territorial authority elected to represent the 392,000 people of Christchurch.

What they need

There are transformation initiatives currently underway, including a focus on moving to the cloud, as part of the modern workplace initiative.

How they did it

Teams with statutory requirements, risk, and compliance regulations now have the ability to document processes and automate processes. The outcome has been less manual work, more accurate results, and better training and onboarding.

Building a process culture

Teams who have embraced documenting their day-to-day tasks and optimizing work where it makes sense have seen a lot of advantages.

Positive outcomes have come from building an organizational-wide process culture can include helping to upskill staff, sharing, and retaining organizational knowledge, as well as delivering consistent training and service delivery to the community.

In addition, making data and information accessible visually through dashboards has vastly improved the way teams share important data about their operations and progress against their objectives.

Understanding how people work and documenting and managing processes through a continuous improvement review cycle can help deliver successful outcomes. As we move towards new ways of working, process management can help underpin good work practices.
Gary Tibble, Process Manager Promaster and Continuous Improvement Specialist, Christchurch City Council
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