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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|Apex Energies digitizes and continuously optimizes processes with Nintex

Apex Energies digitizes and continuously optimizes processes with Nintex

Apex Energies has ambitious plans for the future and needed a way to describe its processes, so it could build a clear picture of employees’ roles and responsibilities and improve them in the interest of operational performance.

Apex Energies
Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

Apex Energies is a renewable energy company that implements energy production and control solutions for businesses and communities, thereby reducing their carbon footprint and improving their energy capacity.

What they need

Amid buoyant growth and a strong focus on continuous improvement, Apex Energies was looking for a collaborative, scalable tool to map, document, share, and improve its processes.

How they did it

Nintex Process Manager is used to collaboratively map and improve processes. Apex Energies are able to support business teams and continuously optimize processes. Process Manager is also used to document requirements for the IT department, and to streamline the onboarding process for new hires.

A key productivity tool for IT and HR teams

Apex Energies uses Nintex Process Manager to model and continuously optimize more than 300 processes. The software has become a key enabler of the company’s system quality management program. It allows the IT department to develop custom applications tailored to specific business needs, while also streamlining employee onboarding and job mobility processes.

Processes are shared and documented company-wide, fostering collaborative working across departments. All front-line and support teams can add comments to report errors and suggest updates and improvements. Operational staff can change processes directly in the software, and all people affected by the process are notified of the change via their dashboard.

Nintex Process Manager lets us oversee, adopt, and quickly implement changes to our processes. The software is an important enabler of our rapid growth, helping us transition to a continuous processes improvement model as we strive for operational excellence.
Mina Boulkarakir, QHSE Manager, Apex Energies
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