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Home|Using Nintex|Case Studies|ACC New Zealand establishes single source of truth with Nintex Promapp®

ACC New Zealand establishes single source of truth with Nintex Promapp®

Established in 1974, New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation helps prevent injuries and provides personal injury insurance coverage for the country’s 4.8 million residents and overseas visitors.

In 2016 ACC undertook a survey of all its staff to find opportunities for improvement. The organisation wanted to ensure employees could easily access and find the information they required, and that information was up-to-date, and understandable. The survey identified key opportunities for process improvement to help ACC employees better serve their clients. One of the first steps was ensuring a single source of truth for processes across the organization.

Accident Compensation Corporation New Zealand
Capabilities Used
Process Manager

Who they are

The Accident Compensation Corporation helps prevent injuries and provides insurance cover for personal injury to get New Zealanders and visitors back to everyday life if they’ve had an accident.

What they needed

ACC is a complex organisation that undertakes a range of interrelated processes. To support continuous improvement effort, ACC wanted to improve its process documentation and management.

How they did it

The organisation deployed Nintex Promapp® to document key processes and ensure relevant information was current and readily available.

Selecting a tool for the job

After analysis of potential tools, the decision was made in early 2017 to deploy Nintex Promapp®. To ease the transition to the new platform, Nintex Promapp®’s deployment followed a phased approach that involved initial design, rollout, and then full production. Initial testing was completed by a small team before the platform was made more widely available. Key processes were then documented and refined within Nintex Promapp®.

With Nintex Promapp® deployed and fully functional, significant benefits were quickly noted. Processes were handled in a consistent way which lead to improved levels of service for clients – a critical factor when you consider that the organisation’s 3,500 staff are actively processing more than two million claims each year. Using Nintex Promapp® has also provided the opportunity for staff members to take ownership of processes, with the ability to make changes as required and answer questions from other staff as they arrive. The ACC now has more than 1,230 content pages included process, policy and service types fully documentation and operational in Nintex Promapp®.

We now have in place a tool for effective process management that supports our staff on a daily basis. ACC process owners can easily and quickly map and update processes, which supports continuous improvement. The process excellence efforts are helping us with our employee experiences and provide employees better visibility into the processes they do, which helps us continually improve the services we provide to our clients.
Aditi Noronha, Business Process Improvement - Nintex Promapp® Lead, ACC New Zealand
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