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Why process discovery is one more step toward process excellence

‘Typically, processes are best captured by the people who know them – those end users and teams that are most familiar with them. They know the systems, procedures and steps because they use them regularly, and can provide the most realistic picture of how a process actually runs. They know both what the procedure manual recommends and the usual shortcuts or workarounds that teams are actually implementing.  

‘Oftentimes those teams have innovative and insightful suggestions about how their processes could be improved, utilizing their understanding of the process to identify redundancies or better workflows.  

‘Unfortunately, that same familiarity can also prevent organizations from seeing opportunities. The mantra “we have always done it this way” can be a significant barrier to improvement and, even if unspoken, the inability to question the status quo can often lurk beneath the surface of long-established practices.’  

Learn how process discovery accelerates the drive toward process excellence by capturing accurate representations of business processes, from Thomas Kohlenbach, Nintex Senior Product Specialist – Trusted Advisor, in his regular PEX Network column.


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