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Why employees should have a say in future technology decisions

An interesting grassroots trend has emerged in the past year that is increasingly driving the future of work technology: employees are afforded more say, and more power, in decision-making about what to purchase and use.  

‘It makes sense. After all, they are the ones using the technology. But historically — for a number of reasons — this may not have happened. Workplace suites and devices were either chosen for them, or they were given a choice of a handful of corporate-approved options, designed to keep a lid on the support overhead for IT.’  

But there has been a shift in the workplace, with the vast majority of employees favoring organizations that not only offer their teams the opportunity to use modern technologies, but give them a say in the selection of those tools.     

Chris Ellis, Nintex Pre-Sales Director explores how this model is more likely to engage teams, encourage an open-minded approach, and increase productivity. 

Read the Reworked article here.



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