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Blog February 13, 2018

Recover the Lost Time Spent Searching for Information

Nintex’s new study – America’s Most Broken Processes – provides unique insight into the way broken processes are holding organizations back, and what they can do about it. Download the report today.

Organizations in corporate America waste valuable time every day due to broken processes. By fixing these, businesses can increase productivity, improve employee satisfaction and boost the bottom line. Think about the time spent searching for information, waiting for document approval or resetting passwords. How much time could be saved by streamlining these day-to-day processes?

In this post, we will look at:

  • Where time is being wasted in organizations due to broken processes
  • How organizations can fix this

America’s Most Broken Processes

In our latest study – Definitive Guide to America’s Most Broken Processes – we’ve uncovered employees’ frustrations within the workplace. With negative productivity growth a continued problem in the United States, this is an important issue to address.

One thousand employees were surveyed from a wide range of industries and departments. The results suggest a lot of time is wasted every day, leading to a frustrated workforce and low morale. By identifying the areas where time is being wasted, we can recommend improvements.

Let’s highlight two areas where processes are broken:

  • Time spent searching for information
  • Time spent dealing with faulty equipment

Scenario One: Time Spent Searching for Information

Charles, an experienced salesperson, is talking to a longstanding customer and is in the final stages of making a sale on a new product. The deal is almost done, all that Charles needs to do is send over a contract to be signed. His first task is to generate the document. He begins searching for the relevant information about the new product and the customer’s details (every customer’s purchasing history and personal info is saved on the company’s CRM) so that he can fill in the relevant information on the contract.

But Charles cannot locate either the product information or his client’s details. Time is of the essence. The longer it takes to finalize the deal, the greater the chance it could fall through. On top of this, Charles is anxious about failing to meet his weekly target. He needs to make this sale. Every minute that goes by, all that time spent searching for information, is deeply frustrating.

And he’s not alone.

Study findings: 

  • 49% said they have trouble locating documents
  • 43% have trouble with document approval requests
  • 34% struggle with completing and filing new client paperwork
  • 27% reported problems with getting sales contracts signed, negotiated and approved

Scenario Two: Time Spent Dealing With Faulty Equipment

Leonie works at a global insurance firm. As part of the organization’s digital transformation strategy, the company has recently moved to Office 365. Leonie is on sick leave when the company rolls out the new technology. When she returns to the office a few days later, she has problems logging into her Microsoft account. The password she has been issued isn’t working. After speaking to her manager, Leonie calls up IT support. It takes a little over an hour before Leonie is issued with a new password and she can get back on track. Already a little behind on her work due to her absence, this small but significant delay has caused her to fall further behind.

Unsurprisingly, these kind of technical issues are widespread in corporate America.

Study findings:

  • 59% reported problems with technology troubleshooting
  • 42% struggle with requesting a new computer or other technology device
  • 36% have trouble with app troubleshooting
  • 23% said time is wasted when resetting passwords

How to Eliminate Broken Processes

At Nintex, we make it easy for organizations to automate, orchestrate and optimize their business processes. However, as the report says: “Technology can help eliminate broken corporate processes, but this work can’t happen in silos or overnight.”  To fix these broken processes and increase productivity in the workplace, what is needed is a concerted effort to make the necessary change.

Here’s a simple four-point action list to get started: 

  1. More closely tie IT to line of business workers
  2. Eliminate paper from your onboarding processes
  3. Identify processes that can be streamlined and automated
  4. Clearly define a process for advancement


Learn more about how to eliminate these issues in your business by downloading the eBook now! 

