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5 Tips to drive operational change in your organization

An organization is only as good as its processes. They make the difference between efficiency and waste, productivity and unrealized potential, and happy customers or employees versus dissatisfied ones. Here are some tips for accelerating operational changes to streamline and enhance your business to deliver results that benefit everyone.

1. Make it easy to work remotely and on the go

If a little flexibility goes a long way, then imagine how far a lot goes. The easier you can make it for your people to work from anywhere, the more productive they can be.

Voice over IP (VoIP) services such as Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business allow your people to make local or international business calls anywhere, using any device. They’ll find it far preferable to using landlines when working from home, and it’s much cheaper than making international calls from their business cellphone.

Additionally, with the integration of video conferencing, employees can communicate more personally with clients and colleagues. Allowing them to meet people face to face — without actually being face to face — cuts travel expenses and downtime.

2. Encourage and enable collaboration

In an increasingly globalized business environment, it’s important enable collaboration. That means helping people easily connect to colleagues wherever they may be — at the next desk, in another office, or across the globe.

Instant messaging tools allow people to communicate and collaborate in real-time, in a chat format they’re already comfortable with. These tools reduce response times, reduce the volume of email, facilitate a proactive culture of question-asking, and invite more communication. In turn, this builds bonds among team members wherever they are located. These days, you should encourage employees to chat with one another.

It’s also crucial to provide platforms that enable employees to share information like vital documents and to access all their business resources. With IM, projects never have to be on hold.

3. Provide constant access to information

You can’t accomplish much without ready access to relevant information. When it resides exclusively on your on-site servers, it’s in a silo. But when information is in the cloud, all you need is an Internet connection and it’s within easy reach.

And when the information your employees rely on is available in a collaborative platform like SharePoint, everyone can stay on the same page, share and work together, and keep their projects on track. This kind of cloud platform gives you a centralized information and collaboration hub that’s accessible anywhere, anytime.

You can even automate business processes within SharePoint, so you can take care of administrative tasks or even provide customer service from the same place your data and content are stored.

4. Streamline the customer experience

Empower your customers and make their interactions with your organization smoother and quicker by automating processes for onboarding, support, and self-service. Instead of making them wait in telephone queues, give them an online portal where they can access their account and the services you provide.

Automated support can also provide customers with notifications at every stage until their issue is resolved. Keeping clients informed is key to customer satisfaction. This can also free up time that you’d have had to spend on routine customer service tasks.

5. Improve employee engagement

Engaged employees are more productive and less likely to leave for another job. And if you ask your employees which part of their job is least engaging, they’ll likely say administration. Nobody likes bureaucracy.

If you can reduce the most repetitive, time-consuming elements in their workdays, employees will be less likely to zone out and lose enthusiasm, more likely to give their all and live up to their potential.

With the Nintex Platform, you can automate these business processes. It’s fast and easy using the no-code, drag-and-drop interface. Nintex lets you automate even the most sophisticated processes, which saves even more time and effort for people across your organization.

Streamlining operations has a wide range of other paybacks other than boosting engagement. With the additional benefit of increased productivity and innovation, employees’ time dedicated to mundane tasks is freed up, allowing them to do more for your business in other, more valuable ways. That’s one of the biggest benefits of working smarter.



If you want to learn more about how Nintex can change and improve your business operations, why not see for yourself with a free trial? Or you can simply get in touch with us and find out all you need to know.



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