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Nintex Q&A with Jordan Sim-Smith

For this Q&A, we spoke with Jordan Sim-Smith from the Nintex Promapp® development team.

Jordan is passionate about software engineering and focuses a lot of energy towards it – whether it’s bringing the Nintex Process Platform to a new level or taking up personal coding projects to learn a new skill, programming never really stops for Jordan.

The Nintex Q&A blog series is designed to highlight Nintex employees – with a mix of casual and professional questions – that are marching toward our collective mission to transform the way work gets done.

Check out 18 questions with Jordan Sim-Smith:

1. What’s your role at Nintex?

I’m an Associate Developer focusing on Nintex Promapp®

2. How did you end up at Nintex?

I first interned with Nintex in 2019, through Summer of Tech, and began working on capabilities for the new Indexed Search Service using Azure Cognitive Search. In 2020, I joined the team full time.

3. What has been your favorite project of your career?

My favorite project would be the one that I am currently working on. We are migrating a large chunk of legacy code to shiny new React.js components and RESTful APIs. Once completed, this will help us continue to evolve and improve Nintex Promapp®.

4. What does an ideal day off of work look like for you?

An ideal day off is playing football with my friends. I love both the training and competing aspect of the sport. If I’m not playing football, I also like to develop pet projects using technologies that I am interested in – and lately this has been GraphQL, Apollo, and Next.js.

5. Where do you currently live?

I live in Auckland, New Zealand

6. What’s the best part about where you live right now?

The best part of where I live is the relaxed environment and beach access within walking distance.

7. What’s your favorite era of history?

My favorite era is ~40 BC, where Augustus Caesar emerges from the power vacuum following Julius Caesar’s death, and becomes the first Emperor of Rome.

8. If you could witness any historic event which would you choose and why?

I’d love to witness Augustus Caesar’s rise to power as a 19-year-old boy to the first emperor of Rome in ~40BC

9. What’s your favorite beverage?

I love smoothies so I would choose a banana, mango, and passionfruit smoothie.

10. What’s your favorite food to eat?

My favorite cuisine is Japanese. I really like gyudon (Japanese beef bowl) and salmon sashimi don.

11. What is your favorite TV series?

Breaking Bad is my favorite TV series. I love the character development.

12. How do you define success?

I define success as a measure of happiness. If I’m happy, I consider myself successful.

13. What kind of music do you like?

My music taste depends on the mood. It can be anything between instrumental movie soundtracks (like Hans Zimmer) to Drum and Bass.

14. What would your superpower be and why?

I’d love to be able to fly. The freedom of soaring anywhere you want on your own two wings – how awesome. When asked what sort of animal I would be, I always answer “bird” because of this reason.

15. Do you have any tips for someone who is feeling overwhelmed?

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I write down the list of things that I need to do, and then construct a plan to finish them, then attack each of them one by one. With a clear plan in mind, I feel much more comfortable.

16. What’s your favorite movie?

My favorite movie would be Dunkirk – although I love anything by Christopher Nolan (the Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar, Inception, Tenet). I’m so glad I saw Dunkirk in IMAX when it first came out.

17. What do you love most about your job?

The thing I love most about my job is freedom and creativity. I am faced with problems, and I love that I can consider multiple solutions and proceed with the most suitable one. I have the freedom to explore, consider and choose, rather than being locked into one.

18. What are you favorite outdoor activities?

I love skiing, hiking and sailing! My most recent skiing holiday was Les Trois Vallées in France. My favorite hike (so far) is the Routeburn in Queenstown, NZ – the views are spectacular.

That’s all for this Nintex Q&A article with Jordan Sim-Smith. We’re always hiring. Learn how you can join Jordan and the rest of our global team on the Nintex careers page.



To learn more about our team and what we’re doing to make your work better, get in touch with us today. To read other Nintex Q&As click here.



Samantha Pugh

As a member of the Nintex Corporate Marketing team, Samantha Pugh spends her time creating content, organizing digital events, and delivering great experiences for Nintex customers and partners.

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