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Home|Nintex Blog|Nintex Q&A employee spotlight with Cyrelle de Groot

Nintex Q&A employee spotlight with Cyrelle de Groot

It’s been almost four years since we began our Q&A blog series that’s designed to shine a light on Nintex team members who are making business processes better with technology. In this Q&A article, we caught up with Cyrelle de Groot based out of the Nintex Melbourne office.

Nintex is in growth-mode which means there are open jobs in nearly every division of the business. Cyrelle is actively recruiting for the Nintex team in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.

We asked Cyrelle 16 questions and shared her responses below.

  1. What is your role at Nintex?

I am the talent manager for Nintex APAC.

  1. Tell us a little bit about how you ended up at Nintex?

Through someone I knew who was working for Nintex and sold me the job. The recruitment process was smooth and joyful (which is important, especially as a recruiter 😊) I have been here for about 8 months now and I’m absolutely loving it.

  1. What has been your favorite moment at Nintex so far?

This sounds a bit cliché perhaps, but even after seven years in recruitment I still love when it just clicks between a candidate and hiring manager. Sometimes when you know, you know. When you then get the final YES from your stakeholder and can proceed to verbal offer to the candidate, it’s the best feeling!

  1. What does an ideal day off of work look like for you?

I love the beach, the sun, a strong almond latte, my partner, and our sausage dog. A perfect day off is a combination of all the above! 😊

  1. Where is home for you?

This is a hard question. Amsterdam will always be my home! But Melbourne is a close second after 6 years in this amazing city.

  1. What is the best part about where you live right now?

There’s always something to do! Always live music everywhere and so many more green spaces compared to Amsterdam.

  1. What’s the best advice you could give to a Nintex customer?

Try and establish process champions in your organization. These people can become go-to subject matter experts for anyone to get advice. They get a kick out of helping out in different areas where they don’t usually work

  1. If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Nasi Goreng! Before I arrived in Australia, I traveled around in Southeast Asia (on a budget.) I think I nearly ate that meal every day (for 11 months 😉), but I’m still not sick of it.

With extra fresh chili and some chicken sate! Yum!

  1. What would you choose as a superpower and why?

Be able to fly! How good would that be?

  1. Do you have an office nickname, what is it?

Just by accident people call me Cherelle, Cyrelli, Sirella… Can’t blame them! My name is pronounced see-relle

  1. What do you like most about your job?

There are so many different aspects of working in talent acquisition. I love the relationships we build with potential new joiners, but also our hiring managers. Hiring isn’t always easy, especially in the current market. But I love how Nintex has trust in us to find the best talent out there. We work hard, but I feel we also having a lot of fun along the way!

  1. How do you define a good work-life balance?

I think getting a dog for me has helped. She wants to go out for a walk at the end of the day. When she comes into my office (at home) and looks at me with her puppy eyes, I must step away and enjoy some fresh air with her. Those eyes are too good to resist! It also helps me to take a longer break or close the laptop before it gets too dark to get out there.

I also try to commit to two exercise classes straight after work a week to stay active.

  1. What are you looking forward to?

Going back to the Netherlands in 2022. Due to the pandemic, a lot of us haven’t been able to see friends and family. I can’t wait to cuddle my mum and meet all my friends’ babies!

  1. What is your favorite book?

This must be A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

  1. What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Can’t go past Wonderwall by Oasis or I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston.

  1. Any favorite line from television?

A recent one from Ted Lasso. ‘’Don’t be judgemental, be curious’’

Has everyone seen the show? So many life lessons in it!



That’s all for this Q&A with Cyrelle de Groot. Learn more about the open jobs that Cyrelle and her team are recruiting talent for by clicking here.



Samantha Pugh

As a member of the Nintex Corporate Marketing team, Samantha Pugh spends her time creating content, organizing digital events, and delivering great experiences for Nintex customers and partners.

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