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Nintex Q&A employee spotlight with Brett Hutchinson

For this Q&A article, we caught up with Brett Hutchinson, an American expat representing the Nintex team from Melbourne, Australia.  

The goal of the Nintex Q&A blog series is to shine the spotlight on Nintex team members who are transforming the way work gets done. We asked Brett 21 questions and shared his responses below.  

1. What is your role at Nintex? 

I am the Senior Manager of Customer Success in the APAC region. I look after a team of five customer success managers that help our clients across our entire product suite. 

2. Tell us a little bit about how you ended up at Nintex? 

I started my career off in management consulting and transitioned into customer success. I joined Nintex after the acquisition of Promapp in 2018. So, it was plain, dumb luck! 

3. What has been your favorite moment at Nintex so far? 

I have a couple of favorite memories. One was during the merging of Promapp into Nintex. I was a bit nervous and apprehensive during the process, as anyone would be. We were in New Zealand ready to learn about Nintex and I had a very impromptu dinner with people from the Nintex team. It was relaxed and we felt like fast friends/colleagues, which gave me a lot of reassurance about the future. 

The second favorite was getting to deliver a session at our largest annual conference that is now known as Nintex ProcessFest® 

4. What does an ideal day-off of work look like for you? 

Sleeping in until about 9 am and then heading to the gym. Then grabbing coffees and brunch afterward to catch up with friends. Spend time chatting with my nephews and niece during the afternoon, and then having a nice dinner at home with some streaming service, or out at one of the great restaurants we have in Melbourne. 

5. Where is home for you? 

Originally, I’m from rural Missouri. I went to university at Arizona State. I’ve called both places home previously, but I now call Melbourne, Australia home, where I have lived for the past 7+ years. 

6. What is the best part about where you live right now? 

The food is always the best part of Melbourne. I also live in a small apartment near the Botanical Gardens, so I have great access to beautiful parks, live events, and, again, wonderful coffee and food. I’m always happy to share a list (my current #1 spot is Embla – it was incredible for a special night out). 

7. What’s the best advice you could give to a Nintex customer? 

Our products and tools are amazing, and you could solve any number of problems with them. My advice, though – have a focused plan and execute against it. And for leaders, give your sponsorship to the right people to guide and deliver your rollout. These are key ingredients in achieving your organization’s critical success goals. 

8. What is your favorite food? 

I am not sure what my favorite food would be right now – but being from the Midwest USA, I miss eating Southern Buttermilk Biscuits & Gravy. I had them often growing up and it is one thing they don’t make in Australia. 

9. If you could go to university tomorrow, what would you like to study? 

I think I would go back to study something in medicine. My day can be pulled in so many directions, I would like to see what that type of daily schedule would be like and if I would enjoy it. 

10. What was your first job ever?

I worked the drive-through at the McDonald’s in the town closest to me. 

11. What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Man, I Feel Like a Woman by Shania Twain 

12. If you had one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Eggs, bacon, and toast – even if I would die from high cholesterol. 

13. What do you like most about your job? 

Solving problems. I like when something I know or something I can figure out can help our customers. 

14. What would you like to tell your 20-year-old self? 

Stress less about grades and your future, and instead go make more fun memories. 

15. What are tips for dealing with overwhelm? 

One simple exercise that my partner and I practice when we feel overwhelmed or anxious is to list out the three best parts of our day. It could be just having a great coffee, seeing a funny joke on social media, or a convo with a friend. But recognizing these little parts of the day help me remember that my life is pretty good and I share it with great people. 

16. Do you have any advice for a prospective Nintex employee? 

If you want to know how our products work and what they look like, take a few courses on Nintex University. They are short and free, plus, you will learn a bit more about process intelligence and automation. 

17. What is your favorite experience with a Nintex customer? 

We had a customer that was asked to highlight their journey with Nintex Promapp® at Nintex ProcessFest®. The customer had done an amazing job with rolling out process mapping at their organization, but I didn’t realize how awesome this presenter/customer was until I met her in person. Seeing her humbleness about her accomplishments turn into pride as she gained self-confidence in what she had achieved was incredible to watch. I think it helped her believe in her skillset and what she brought to the table as a professional. 

18. Best vacation you’ve taken and why? 

I never thought I would be someone who enjoyed a beachy, relaxed vacation. Typically, I like to be exploring a city and finding cool spots. However, I took a vacation to Puerto Vallarta with my partner and friends and had the best time sitting by the pool and beach, eating loads of guacamole, and sipping margaritas. 

19. Do you have a favorite sport? 

My favorite sport would be fast pitch softball. Growing up, I played in a men’s league. I love how fast-paced it is and the variety of players that can be successful. The growth of the sport through broadcasting and viewership on TV has been incredible over the last decade. 

20. What are you looking forward to?  

After isolating a bit over the last two years in Australia, I’m looking forward to heading back to visit my friends and family in the States. 



That’s all for this Q&A with Brett. Join him and the rest of the team by clicking here.



Samantha Pugh

As a member of the Nintex Corporate Marketing team, Samantha Pugh spends her time creating content, organizing digital events, and delivering great experiences for Nintex customers and partners.

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