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Best Intelligent Process Solution Eases the Constraint on IT

In preparation for Microsoft Build next week, this post looks at how intelligent process automation can ease the constraints on IT by current digital transformation strategies.

 Another Year, Another MSFT Build

Microsoft Build (MSFT Build) is Microsoft’s flagship developer conference and is taking place in Seattle, May 7-9 this year. As a Microsoft partner, the Nintex team is looking forward to attending and demonstrating the power of the Nintex Platform.

MSFT Build provides an invaluable opportunity for the developer community to come together to debate key areas of interest, such as artificial intelligence, cloud, big data, mixed reality and all the latest in web and mobile development tech.

We will be there to discuss the future of process automation: Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) – what it means for businesses, how it drives digital transformation, and how it helps IT leaders and developers empower lines of business to easily automate, orchestrate, and optimize their own business processes with a trusted platform.

Digital Change: A Never-Ending Journey

For most (if not all) organizations, digital transformation is essential for several reasons:

  • To stay competitive in an increasingly disruptive entrepreneurial culture where innovative companies can transform an industry seemingly overnight.
  • To attract the best talent, especially digital natives and millennials, who want to work at innovative companies using the latest technology.
  • To appeal to customers who are becoming increasingly tech-savvy and expect much more from customer experiences in the digital world.

However, for many organizations digital transformation is challenging and can become a never ending journey versus an achievable destination.

The Constraint on IT

Process automation is important to the transformation of a business. Additionally the demand for custom-made solutions to automate processes is high. Research from McKinsey & Company suggests that 68 percent of business processes remain manual but everyone is strapped for time.

The need to accelerate how work gets done puts pressure on IT and development teams. It also drives line of business employees to take matters into their own hands and bring in applications to improve their work processes which could be a different app for every process they want to digitize. The problem here is two-fold. First, these teams are now left with a complex web of apps that don’t integrate particularly well (if at all) leading to silos and inefficiencies. Second, IT is left to save the day when these applications fall short, which can mean on-going support or customizations.

In short, there needs to be a better way—a way that can speed up digital transformation and allow IT to do what it does best to drive innovation and keep businesses moving forward. So what is the solution? Intelligent Process Automation.

A New Way Forward: Best Intelligent Process Solution

At Nintex, we are ushering in the 4th wave of process automation, known as Intelligent Process Automation (IPA). This is an approach to digital transformation and process automation which:

  • Empowers line of business employees to quickly automate processes with no code tools that are trusted by IT.
  • Puts emerging technologies, such as machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning at the forefront of process automation.
  • Provides insights that facilitate the ongoing optimization of processes.

Nintex Workflow Cloud is the intuitive, integrated, and intelligent platform that builds on IPA. Born in the cloud, it connects and unites all the other apps and platforms you use, providing seamless automation across platforms. As a system of intelligence, Nintex Workflow Cloud learns from automating and optimizing workflows as they run over and over again each day. This can help you optimize your business processes and drive the business forward into the future.

If you are at MSFT Build this year, please visit the Nintex team as we would love to make you a workflow hero within your organization.

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