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Blog September 25, 2017

Did You Know: Getting Started with Beacons

If you’re like me, when you first heard the term “Beacon,” you wondered what it was.

Beacon is an action control in Nintex Workflow that can be placed anywhere in the workflow to capture specific data. With this action, you can emit additional data from a workflow for a Process Intelligence Lens report.

How to Begin

  1. Once you have configured your data source in Nintex Analytics, you can now officially begin adding Beacons inside the Nintex Workflow designer.
  2. Go to Nintex Workflow and search for “Beacon.” Drag the first control (Beacon) to the workflow canvas.
  3. To configure this Action Control, you can double-click the control or single click on the ellipsis (…)nintex analytics
  4. Now let’s set our variables as in the example below. For Key you can type a specific name or Insert Reference (right side of the page). The same applies to Value.
  5. You can add as many Beacons as you like. To add more, select the Add button.
  6. When you have finished configuring your Beacon, hit the Save button.nintex analytics
  7. Your Beacon Action Control is now configured.
  8. There are two other Beacon Action Controls to mention:
    • Beginning Beacon: Logs the start of a process stage with Nintex Analytics.
    • Ending Beacon: Logs the end of a process stage with Analytics.
  9. Drag and drop both Action Controls to the workflow canvas.nintex analytics
  10. To configure this Action Control, you can double-click the control or single click on the ellipsis (…)
  11. For Stage Name, you can type a specific name or Insert Reference (right side of the page).nintex analytics
  12. When you have finished configuring your Beginning Beacon, hit the Save button.
  13. Your Beginning Beacon Action Control is now configured.
  14. Repeat the same configuration steps for the Ending Beacon Action Control.nintex analytics


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Capabilities Used

  • Process Intelligence