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Intelligence: The New Currency of Business

At this year’s Nintex xchange conference in San Diego, attendees were introduced to the new era of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA). As enterprise organizations plan for the future, intelligence will be at the forefront of modern business processes.

McKinsey & Company estimates that 68 percent of enterprise processes remain manual. Nintex believes that IPA, which includes capabilities to leverage AI services and actions like smart routing and approvals, smart contract reviews, smart scheduling and more, is the key to realizing untapped opportunities in the long tail of automation.

New intelligent technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) will give enterprises a unique opportunity to help employees work smarter. This new era of IPA will help businesses operate with the speed and agility needed to compete in today’s market.

Power to the People

Businesses today deal with massive amounts of unstructured data across departments and applications, making it extremely difficult to organize and analyze the company’s processes. As a result, enterprises are faced with a growing number of departmental silos and IT backlogs that can make the road to digital transformation a seemingly never-ending one.

The key to successful digital transformation lies in enterprises empowering their employees to solve issues themselves by leveraging a portfolio of solutions that power smarter interactions and improve everyone’s ability to get work done. In order to achieve the best outcomes, IPA solutions should be:


Automated processes should be simple to use. Regardless of a person’s role in an organization, users can easily design and deploy a workflow that fits their specific needs – knowing that IT trusts the platform to deliver the best, most effective results.

With an intuitive, drag-and-drop workflow designer, the line of business worker can visualize his or her process from start to finish, finding the most streamlined way to complete work.


Powerful SaaS and cloud-based apps are becoming more and more essential to every business. But these apps are often disparate, making it is easy to lose important information and communication in silos. For process automation to be adaptable, it needs to connect the tools an enterprise uses. An ideal workflow and content automation platform meets employees where they work and allows each system of record, CRM, CCM, ERP, and FSP to seamlessly communicate with one another.


An IPA platform should act as a “digital process automation coach.” Machines can take on the most redundant, mundane tasks and allow employees to focus on the more important aspects of their jobs. They can also analyze the efficacy and efficiency of a company’s automated processes, giving your business the opportunity to operate at its best.

6 Core Capabilities of Intelligent Process Automation Portfolios

In order to get the most out of an IPA portfolio, there are specific capabilities required to empower a user to work better.

Nintex IPA

By harnessing these capabilities, enterprises and their employees will be equipped to successfully automate, orchestrate, and optimize processes to drive better business outcomes and stay ahead of the competition.


To learn more about IPA, visit and download the whitepaper

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