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Blog November 7, 2018

Improving Process in Government Organizations Through Automation

improving processes in government organizations

Government organizations at the federal, state, and local levels are under relentless pressure to deliver better results despite the fact that budgets are declining. Outdated procedures are adding to this challenge. Often paper-based, these procedures unnecessarily prolong processes and fail to meet the high expectations of the public.

Research from 2017 evaluated the progress of digital transformation in central and local government and concluded that there was a major “digital gap” between how services are delivered and how they should be delivered in the modern public sector. This disparity is more concerning when we consider the cost: McKinsey & Co. state that government expenditure amounts to more than one-third of the global GDP and the world public-sector deficit is close to $4 trillion per year.

But hope is not lost. The same McKinsey research found that, by raising productivity, governments could save up to $3.5 trillion a year. By first improving productivity, governments can subsequently improve the services they deliver.

This post will explore how implementing modern technology like process automation in government organizations can empower them to do more with less, helping them meet raised expectations and overcome flattening budgets.

Applying automation in government

Government organizations that automate critical business processes can digitally transform their operations, services, internal communications, and engagement with the public.

Let’s look at some of the typical processes that can be automated to aid digital transformation and move organizations into the future.

Automated public record requests

Public records that are manual and paper-based force requestors to wait while agencies parse through swathes of documents.

Modern forms and advanced workflow logic can automate and digitize requests for public records to significantly reduce processing time and messy paperwork while greatly improving the convenience for citizens.

For example:

  1. A request for a public record is submitted via an online form
  2. The agency receives the request creates a task or case for tracking
  3. Records are located by their metadata from the content repository
  4. Agency releases information/documents to the requester
  5. Requester appeals for more information
  6. Agency responds to the appeal
    1. Agency denies the appeal and no new documents are released
    2. Agency accepts the appeal and more documents are released

Coordinated incident response

Most incident response processes involve organizing multiple departments and agencies across disconnected or incompatible systems, causing delays when responses are needed as soon as possible.

By automating incident response, teams can better coordinate and prioritize incidents based on severity, deploying response teams when needed. By enabling workers in the field to capture data while on the scene using mobile devices, post-incident reporting can also be made much easier.

For example:

  1. Incident occurs
  2. Incident is reported via web browser or mobile app
  3. Requester is sent an email to confirm receipt
  4. The incident is recorded in the Case Management system
  5. Priority of incident is assigned by dispatch
    1. High priority: Requires urgent onsite attention
    2. Medium priority: Non-urgent but requires on-site attention
    3. Low priority: Phone or email response
  6. If high priority: Team deployed to manage and fix the incident
  7. Incident is closed and Case Management system is updated

Accelerated recruitment & onboarding

In government agencies, meeting stringent medical and background checks and the sourcing of equipment goes on constantly. The longer the process takes, the longer it takes for important resources to be made available and new hires to start making a difference.

Automation can streamline the recruitment and onboarding process for government contractors, from background and medical checks to equipment provisioning and assignment. Advanced workflows ensure that all the regulatory steps are completed and that systems of record remain up-to-date.

For example:

  1. Hiring manager completes job request and sends for approval
  2. HR and head of business group review the job request
  3. Job request is approved
  4. The job opening is posted to job boards
  5. Onsite interviews are scheduled for promising candidates
  6. Respond to candidate
    1. Successful: Offer letter and new hire forms are generated
    2. Not successful: Notification is sent
  7. If successful: Offer letter is tagged for e-signature
  8. Candidate accepts offer
  9. Welcome pack automatically generated and sent to new hire
  10. Azure AD and Office 365 account created and hardware is issued

Move toward the future of government with Nintex

The Nintex Platform is fully-equipped to aid federal, state, and local government agencies in automating processes to boost productivity in health, education, safety, and finance. The key being Nintex’s ability to combine a powerful suite of tools that are easy to use and require little to no coding. This, in turn, will accelerate outcomes and ensure greater satisfaction.

For more than a decade, Nintex has been counted on by government agencies of all sizes from city and county government, state agencies, Federal civilian agencies, the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. Nintex software has been deployed around the world in the most secure environments and used to develop mission-critical applications.

It can do this in the following ways:

  • Advanced workflows: Create powerful automated workflows in an intuitive, drag-and-drop designer that anyone in the business can use.
  • Forms: Create dynamic online forms that are highly-customizable and allow users to capture and submit data, whatever their need.
  • Mobile Apps: Submit forms, review and approve documents, and keep processes moving regardless of location.
  • Document Generation: Generate documents with pre-populated content, pulled from multiple sources, to improve accuracy and efficiency when creating documents.
  • Process Intelligence: Track your business workflows to identify patterns, uncover bottlenecks, and improve governance.
  • Connectors: Integrate data and applications from the systems your business already uses.


Find out more about how Nintex is used in government and the public sector to revolutionize how your processes are executed. Or start your 30-day free trial to find out for yourself!



Steve Witt