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How to Turn Process Pains into Business Gains on-demand webinar series

This week concluded our 3-part webinar series “How to Turn Process Pains into Business Gains” with Forrester and three incredible Nintex customers who are automating work.

The final webcast “Future of business, powered by effective process management and automation” is now available on-demand. Forrester’s Senior Analyst John Bratincevic shared the state of business processes in the 2020 climate and was joined by Coca-Cola Beverages Florida’s Senior Manager of Enterprise Transformation, Robert Johnson. They discussed how Coke Florida was quick to adopt and build Nintex solutions at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, which allowed the company’s business operations to continue without interruption.

What is a digital business?

Bratincevic kicked off the webcast by sharing Forrester’s definition of “digital” which refers to “business models with technology at the core.” A true digital business—with technology as the central component—can take any process, policy, procedure, and digitize it. This flexibility, or digital transformation rather, becomes especially crucial in the time of a global crisis.

The problem is how can a business achieve digitization? And achieve it now, not tomorrow.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, digitization was not a high priority for every business. In fact, according to Forrester’s survey, only 28% of respondents said that accelerating the shift to a digital business was a high priority.

If digital transformation is not the priority, then inefficiencies and inconsistencies can interfere with how work gets done. When Forrester surveyed process professionals in the beginning of 2020, 76% of respondents said they still depended on paper-based processes.

Then in March COVID hit, and overnight businesses started working from home. And all those paper-based processes broke because no one was in the office to pass those papers around or nudge the process along with a quick drop by. Is it still considered a digital business if processes are broken by remote work?

A pandemic brings disruption to every industry and makes it challenging for businesses to thrive, let alone survive. Throughout the webcast, Bratincevic continued to send a message that low-code technology helps businesses adapt to new climates by empowering anyone in any line of work to digitize their own procedures, policies, and processes.

Surviving and thriving by digitizing with the Nintex Process Platform

Nintex customer Coca-Cola Beverages Florida has always been quick to digitize. Using the complete end-to-end process management and automation of the Nintex Process Platform, Coca-Cola Beverages Florida has continued safely serving its customers –without interruption—throughout the pandemic.

The company’s 5,000 employees bottle and distribute Coca-Cola products across Florida, including essential businesses like grocers and hospitals. It was imperative that they continue delivering their products while making safety the number one priority.

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, the leadership team at Coke Florida met to discuss how to navigate the uncertainty.

“We’re always looking for ways to transform our business through a digital lens,” said Coke Florida’s Robert Johnson. “A stack of papers on a desk is an opportunity to digitize a process. The business can’t function in a unified fashion unless we eliminate processes on paper, or even worse, processes stuck inside someone’s head.”

Coke Florida has been a Nintex customer since 2018 so their leadership team is familiar with the technology. The company began using Nintex Promapp® to map processes across its business, and shortly after that began leveraging Nintex Workflow Cloud and Nintex RPA for automation.

“The Nintex product grew with us as we grew with it,” Johnson continued. “We started by mapping 600 processes in the first year to buying more Nintex products the next year.”

Before COVID, the company was mapping between two and three processes in Nintex Promapp each day.

The digital transformation continues

The Nintex Process Platform helped Coke Florida execute “Process Agility and Rapid Automation” in response to the global pandemic.

Before reporting to work each day, every employee must record their temperature and complete a COVID screening questionnaire, powered by Nintex Forms and Nintex App Studio. The form captures information on the employee, the location(s) they report to, and poses a series of questions in compliance with CDC guidelines. If someone doesn’t meet the criteria, the workflow informs the employee not to report for work and notifies the appropriate managers about the employee’s absence.

In essence, the solution helps keep a daily log of potential exposure to COVID-19.

If an employee tests positive for COVID, a Nintex RPA bot is used to mine their daily screening recordings and find anyone that may have been exposed to the infected employee in the last 14 days. The solution then notifies those who may have been exposed using Nintex DocGen® to generate documentation of the exact date, time, and location of exposure along with a guide to follow based on CDC protocols.

“We sent 5,000 thermometers to every employee and deployed a complementary Nintex solution faster than we would’ve received temperature kiosk machines for 18 territory locations.” Johnson cheered. “Now requests are pouring in from other areas of the business to automate and digitize other processes.”

Johnson’s team plans to use the backlog of automation requests to continue their digital transformation with the Nintex Process Platform.

Series recap

The entire “How to turn your process pains into business gains” series was designed to show how people like you are leveraging Nintex’s easy-to-use and powerful software solutions to turn solve real business challenges.

Part one “Where there is a will, there is a workflow” focused on workflow automation with Nintex customer Emerson Enterprise.

Read the blog post >> Watch on-demand >>

Part two “Where there is highly repetitive work, there is a bot to automate” focused on Robotic Process Automation with Nintex customer Seacoast Bank.

Read the blog post >>  Watch on-demand >>

Part three of our Forrester webinar series “How to Turn Process Pains into Business Gains” featured Coca-Cola Beverages Florida’s solution that uses the full spectrum of technology available with Nintex Process Platform.

Watch on-demand >>



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Samantha Pugh

As a member of the Nintex Corporate Marketing team, Samantha Pugh spends her time creating content, organizing digital events, and delivering great experiences for Nintex customers and partners.

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