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Home|Nintex Blog|Empowering voices: Nintex women and allies leading with inclusion

Empowering voices: Nintex women and allies leading with inclusion

As we step into Women’s History Month, the air buzzes with a special type of energy. It’s a time we come together to celebrate the indomitable spirit, resilience, determination and achievements of women across the globe. At Nintex, we work to elevate and celebrate women, through building intentional community, allyship, and inclusivity across the organization.

Allies’ important role in fostering workplace inclusivity

In London, Carolin Castro, a Senior Account Manager, emphasizes the pivotal role that allies play in fostering an inclusive workplace for women. “Allies are instrumental in fostering an inclusive workplace for women by actively engaging in several key behaviors,” she explains. “They can elevate the achievements and contributions of their female colleagues and create a respectful and inclusive environment by consciously avoiding sexist language. These actions, though they may seem small, collectively contribute significantly to building a workplace where everyone feels valued and included.”

Breaking barriers in a male-dominated industry

From Arizona, Hannah Pedersen, our Director of New Logos Sales, shares her proudest accomplishment – building a team comprised predominantly of women in a male-dominated industry. “My greatest career accomplishment is to be alongside, promote, hire, and learn from incredible women in an industry where the standard is 16% women in sales/leadership,” she says with pride. “And we have built 63% of our most impactful business unit with phenomenal women. My advice for anyone feeling like they are at a disadvantage or feel misplaced because they are different from others in a room, gender or otherwise, is to simply speak louder – you are in the room for a reason.”

The freedom and flexibility to succeed

From Christchurch, Bree Barsanti, one of our Senior Solutions Engineers, expresses her gratitude for the inclusive culture that defines Nintex. “Funny enough, the woman that I’d like to highlight is a female leader here at Nintex that inspires me, is Leila Shamas,” she shares warmly. “How has Nintex fostered a culture of inclusion that empowers women to succeed in their careers? Well, putting it simply, I am a single mum and I have a lot of juggling to do as a Senior Solution Engineer here at Nintex. I work from home, I have flexibility, and I have never once been questioned on my hours. I am absolutely measured on the output, and my success is celebrated here at Nintex.”

Collective allyship to empower women in the workplace

From Johannesburg, Jason Stead, a Senior Manager in Customer Support, emphasizes the importance of collective action in creating a workplace that values and uplifts women. “Allies can, and should, play a critical role in fostering a workplace environment where women feel valued and have equal opportunities to thrive,” he asserts. “From actively listening and amplifying the perspective of women to helping eliminate preconceptions of women’s ability to perform a role by challenging unconscious bias – everyone should be willing to do their part to ensure that due recognition is given.”

An inclusive culture makes all the difference

At Nintex, inclusivity isn’t just a goal; it’s a lived reality. Brandi Gills, a Manager in Sales based in Pennsylvania, speaks passionately about the inclusive culture that defines our company. “Nintex is a powerhouse of female leaders,” she affirms. “The company allows everyone to be heard and seen, creating an inclusive culture where women truly feel empowered. Allies have a huge impact on creating an inclusive workplace for women, by helping remove obstacles through listening and raising their voices, allowing women to be empowered and heard.”


Embracing support and camaraderie

In Kuala Lumpur, Liana Ali, one of our Senior Engineers, reflects on her journey at Nintex, highlighting the power of support and camaraderie. “When I joined Nintex, I was the only angel (woman) among the ‘Charlie’s Angels,'” she recalls.
“Still, the team was very supportive and we bonded beautifully! They make sure I have what I need to be the better version of me. Fast forward to today, I’ve got myself 3 sisters, and we’re now known as ‘Tech Angels.’ The bond just got even more beautiful and priceless. I love them to the moon and back!”


Collaboration starts with understanding

From Melbourne, Trudi Masalski, our Senior Product Marketing Manager, pays tribute to her manager, Holly Anderson, and emphasizes the crucial role that allies play in creating an inclusive workplace. “Men are the biggest ally of women,” she asserts. “And I think if they get to know them and get to understand them and get to appreciate the strengths that we bring to the table for a really inclusive, collaborative environment, we all get much, much better outcomes.”


Inspirational women at Nintex and beyond

In Munich, Erwee Steyn, a Solution Engineer, pays tribute to the women who inspire him daily, both within Nintex and beyond. “Women inspire me on a daily basis,” he shares. “Cosima von Kries is not only an exceptional leader, but she has made it her personal mission to help us get comfortable in Germany. On top of this, she empowers everyone around her to be their best and infects them with a drive to succeed. Carolin Castro fosters an amazing work environment for her Solution Engineers. Her hard work and motivation to succeed are innate qualities that you can’t teach. Lastly, my wife has the biggest impact on my life; without her, I would not have been where I am today. Her can-do attitude has always kept me afloat.”


Celebrating inspiring women inside and outside Nintex

Jana Fain-Rossen, our Global Workplace Experience Lead in California, captures the essence of this spirit as she reflects on the women who inspire her, both within and beyond the walls of our company. “I’m blown away by how many incredibly smart, kind, and driven women I see at this company,” she shares. “Outside of Nintex, my mom inspires me daily. She grew up in terrible circumstances, but somehow found the strength to be a florist, run a hair salon, and ultimately drive big prop trucks in the entertainment industry – all while raising 5 kids. She’s a force to be reckoned with even now at the super young age of 72.”


Colleagues supporting colleagues

From Melbourne, Linda Tyzack, our Senior Manager in Accounting International, shines a spotlight on the infectious energy of her colleague, Daniella Burns. “Have you met Daniella Burns?” Linda asks, her admiration evident. “She exudes boundless energy, enthusiasm, and pure awesomeness! She’s no doubt the secret sauce to the Product Management team. Daniella doesn’t just lead; she ignites a spark of passion in everyone around her, turning ordinary tasks into extraordinary achievements.”


As we celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we’re harnessing the transformative power of inclusivity, allyship, and empowerment at Nintex. When we lift each other up, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.


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Maddie Forman

Maddie is a Senior Specialist based in Atlanta, Georgia and is a member of our Culture & Employee Experience team. She leads Nintex's employer branding and talent communications/marketing, bringing our employee experience to life for our people and candidates across the globe.

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