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Blog March 20, 2018

Discover More About Nintex Mobile and the Mobile App Studio

Having hosted a session at last year’s Nintex conference, I was excited to return this year for a more specific ‘deep dive’ into the features, functionality, and benefits of Nintex Mobile and Nintex App Studio™.

Make Your Processes Mobile

A business’s digital transformation journey revolves around connecting workers to the information, business applications, and processes they routinely use to get work done. Moving those workflows to mobile devices pushes this a step further—making processes even faster and more flexible.

Nintex Mobile and Nintex App Studio bring workflows from SharePoint Online, SharePoint on-premises and Nintex Workflow Cloud onto mobile devices, converting the workflow process into a native mobile experience.

How does it do that?

Envision a worker at a manufacturing plant that deals with incident reporting.

If a worker accidentally backs a forklift into a wall, for example, they need to create a work order to report the incident: taking photos to help explain what happened, and listing any property or equipment that was damaged and now needs to be repaired or replaced. With mobile workflows, the worker can create this work order remotely and begin to get certain approvals put in place.

The processes and forms to do this can be built with Nintex Mobile.

Building on Mobile Foundations

Last year I covered the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of using Nintex Mobile in my session Building powerful solutions for your users on the go with Nintex Mobile and Mobile App Studio. This explored the different real-world scenarios and examples of developing mobile applications and using Nintex tools to create ‘on-the-go’ activities and applications.

Last year covered the ‘what it can do’ and ‘why you should use it’. This year’s session was a more technical look at how to create mobile applications that can be used in any business scenario—more of the ‘how’:

  • How do I develop the mobile application?
  • How do I specify forms that are being used for Nintex mobile rather than doing it through a web browser?
  • What does it take to create a provisioning profile on Apple devices?
  • What are the steps I need to get that form to work on the mobile app?
  • What are the best practices and available features on Nintex Mobile?
  • How to create rules with mobile to show/hide fields or have specialized validation rules based on the input of the user
  • How do I attach photos and videos?

Nintex Mobile App vs. Nintex App Studio

On Nintex Mobile, you’re often dealing with lots of different forms because you’re involved in many different processes across the business—legal, HR, finance, for example. Each of these business processes are displayed as unique apps on the mobile device, specific to the different areas of the business. Nintex App Studio allows you to filter your forms to focus solely on a single department to access the forms and workflows you need quicker. Nintex App Studio also offers additional customizations that aren’t possible on the standard mobile app.

To use the same example from earlier: Nintex App Studio allows the worker at the manufacturing plant to customize their forms regarding incident reporting to distinguish them from their HR forms. And they can do this from within the mobile app. That’s where the Nintex Mobile App Studio becomes really useful.

Intelligent Workflows with Intellinet and Nintex

Intellinet has been building SharePoint intranets for many years, customizing SharePoint for business application development. More recently, a lot of that development has been around using Nintex as a primary process automation tool within the SharePoint platform.

As the enterprise has changed, so too has the relationship between Nintex and Intellinet. When Nintex Workflow Cloud was introduced, we introduced cloud-based workflows internally and to our customers—using the power of automated notifications, document generation, and contract signatures. And now, Nintex mobile workflows and the Nintex App Studio have better positioned us to help businesses digitally transform and ‘go mobile.’





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