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Customer Loyalty Program perks for your digital transformation journey

Transitioning out of 2019, “digital transformation” was one of the most ubiquitous terms in business, senior executives were leading the charge of changing how the business was using technology to improve performance.

Then, unforeseen world events in early 2020 suddenly propelled us down the road to digital transformation journey faster than anyone could have imagined.

Remote working technology on the rise

With a workforce suddenly needing to work remotely, cloud applications like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and others experienced hyper-growth. It is now more important than ever that businesses have access to a digital process platform that not only interacts with these various systems but will also help them scale and shift their operations in this time of change.

Nintex, a leader in the Digital Process Automation space, is here to help.

Quickly digitally transform your organization

Through initiatives like the Customer Loyalty Program, Nintex is for the first time able to provide a solution that addresses multiple process pain points that organizations have as they start their digital transformation journey.

By using the full capabilities of the Nintex Platform, organizations are able to empower their IT groups, and we have already seen hundreds of customers start their journey by moving their workloads to cloud platforms like Microsoft Office 365 and Salesforce.

Even for those groups that are not yet ready to move to the cloud and are simply looking for a way to enhance their data capture ability due to a new remote workforce, capabilities like Nintex Forms for SharePoint provide organizations with enterprise-grade functionality and support that will last into the ever-changing future.

But work does not stop once the data is captured. You have to understand what to do with it, and in such times of change, a strong understanding of your processes has never been more important.

Understand your work in order to understand how to optimize it

Leveraging Nintex Promapp®, customers can take advantage of the process management capabilities as part of the Nintex Platform and start seeing immediate value as they gain process clarity.

Simple enough to be used by the line of business, and robust enough to cover the most complex of corporate processes, Nintex Promapp® ensures that, as processes change throughout your digital transformation journey, teams can still execute your missions successfully.

Even as the world changes in unprecedented ways, your work will move forward.

Modernizing your legacy processes

We know that even with the most audacious of plans, not everything can change overnight. Legacy systems are critical to many businesses and can’t easily move to the cloud. Organizations still rely on custom internal applications that do not have APIs for easy integration and automation, which makes it necessary to complete tasks manually.

Thankfully, Nintex RPA offers a solution for modernizing the processes that include legacy or custom applications.

The newest feature of both the Nintex Platform and the Customer Loyalty Program, Nintex RPA allows you to easily build out bots that can run on your local machines without human interaction.

Nintex RPA bots interact with a computer the same way that a human does, allowing you to start automating tasks with your legacy systems, custom internal solutions without APIs, and even “green screen” applications.

Start here

Regardless of where you are in your digital transformation journey, there has never been a better time to discover the power of the Nintex Platform, and it has never been easier for loyal Nintex customers to experience the breadth of the platform and derive even more value from your investment.



Thinking about getting started on your digital transformation journey? Click here to request a live demo to see what Nintex can do for your organization.



Jonathan Butler

A social technologist at heart, Jonathan Butler is passionate about discovering how people from all walks of life use technology to improve their daily lives. As a group product manager at Nintex, he actively engages with people from around the world every day, helping to build solutions that take their business and teams to new heights.

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