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Home|Nintex Blog|Building a recession-proof enterprise using intelligent automation

Building a recession-proof enterprise using intelligent automation

Recessions have hard-hitting repercussions for businesses. But in the midst of unpredictability related to geopolitics, energy, and economics, all is not lost.  

With the help of digital transformation, organizations can build resilience in the face of economic downturn, and drive growth despite challenging times.  

 Building a recession-proof enterprise using intelligent automation is an eBook—created in collaboration with global management and strategy consulting firm, Zinnov—that explores the following themes: 

  • Key indicators of a recession 
  • Key attributes of a recession-proof enterprise 
  • How automation is helping organizations combat a recession 
  • The future roadmap for enterprise automation 

Organizations that adopt digital solutions are more resilient in uncertain times. Take a step towards recession-proofing your organization by downloading the eBook today 


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