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How to Break the Circle of Despair

Now more than ever, it is crucial for enterprises to embrace digital transformation to stay ahead of the competition. But that proves easier said than done when your digital processes are broken and ineffectual.

Lack of IT resources and fragmented business processes make achieving digital transformation a long and arduous “journey” for most companies. In fact, according to a report by McKinsey & Company, 68 percent of all enterprise processes still remain manual.

Historically, efforts to digitize and optimize corporate work have been slow-going as line of business workers depend on the IT department to develop a solution for their processes. IT can barely keep up with current business demands, much less support the increasing demands for technological innovation. It is no wonder, then, why IT feels underprepared and overwhelmed when it comes to delivering fully-realized, digitally-transformed solutions throughout an organization.

Nintex is here to break the bottleneck and repair the disparate processes across your organization. We are welcoming in the new era of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), which utilizes modern technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence to make digital transformation an achievable destination, not a never-ending journey.

The IT Bottleneck

In a recent study, Nintex identified Corporate America’s Most Broken Processes, and found that IT processes – namely technology troubleshooting – are the most broken across enterprises. Sixty-two percent of employees surveyed observe broken IT processes within their organization, and 84 percent of those employees reported that their IT departments do not promptly handle their service requests.

And the IT delivery gap is growing rapidly as demands by line of business workers multiply.

The backlog faced by IT, coupled with the availability of cloud-based and SaaS applications, have empowered line of business owners to take matters into their own hands. Employees face a choice: Buy multiple packaged apps that get up and running quickly, or leverage developers to create a flexible, customized application that meets their specific needs.

Feeling the pressure to quickly digitally transform their processes, most line of business workers choose packaged apps. In fact, according to the survey conducted by Nintex, 60 percent of employees use unsanctioned apps as a direct result of IT bottlenecks.

custom or packaged appsThe Issue with Apps

SaaS apps provide easy to use, high-quality tools for employees to solve their needs. Cloud- and web-based apps have made it much simpler to start new projects, collaborate with team members, and communicate with customers – all from your browser. But these apps sacrifice customizability and flexibility for convenience and create a data fragmentation problem for your organization. The more apps employees use, the more silos of data and content you have to deal with.

Individuals are using dozens of productivity, communication, file-sharing, and CRM apps that simply don’t communicate with each other. This produces duplicated work, runs the risk of missing essential information, and fosters inefficiency.

These issues lead line of business workers back to IT with requests to customize their apps in the hope that they will function more efficiently – thus adding to the IT backlog. This cycle leads to unhappy, ineffective, and unmotivated employees.

We identify this kind of approach to digital transformation as “the circle of despair” – an endless cycle which leads many to believe that the journey to digital transformation is an endless one.

process automation circle of despairEnter Nintex

It’s time to break the backlog once and for all. If there’s any hope of freeing up IT demands, line of business workers have to become empowered to address these broken processes without having to depend solely on IT to fix them.

Here’s how to break the cycle:

  1. Allow departments and people to choose the tools that work best for their needs.
  2. Provide people and departments with the “glue” to bring all those systems, applications and information silos together.
  3. Empower departments and people to solve their own problems by providing them with a platform that connects the environments in which they work – without the need for code.

The solution requires an automation platform that is easy enough for the lines of business to use and trusted by IT. Employees can then start to connect their disparate apps, and the IT department to concentrate on strategic business solutions, and the organization can and achieve digital transformation.

Enter the Nintex Workflow Platform, a no-code process automation platform that connects disparate apps and allows for visibility into business processes in their entirety.

And now, with the rise of machine learning, AI capabilities, natural language processing, and deep learning, humans and machines can work in harmony to make their processes even more powerful.

In the era of IPA, automation platforms can not only be integrated with SaaS and cloud-based apps, but they can also be intelligent – enabling AI technologies to make meaningful connections between data sources and optimize your workflows based on the data collected.

To learn more about Intelligent Process Automation, visit




Matt Fleckenstein

Matt is the Chief Marketing Officer at Nintex. He previously held the title at Amplero, an Artificial Intelligence Marketing (AIM) company. Matt has marketed cloud technology offerings at Salesforce, where he served as VP of Product for both the IoT Cloud and Marketing Cloud. He is passionate about positioning Nintex as the leader in Intelligent Process Automation.

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