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It’s a challenging time for a lot of people and organizations. Over the last few months, we’ve learned that having an agile and open mindset is vital to coping with the changing landscape that we all face. For your business, that means adapting to new ways of working and very likely, outlining some new goals. With those new goals in mind, we wanted to look at some important business benefits you can look forward to with successful process management.

But first, what exactly is process management?

Every business consists of several processes that are repeated over and over. These processes often make up the foundation of your company.

Process management is a system designed to capture, understand, and improve these processes – in turn improving the way your business operates. For it to be effective, it should recognize that business processes are a crucial asset that needs to be protected, maintained, enhanced, and made available to those that need them.

Traditionally, businesses have worked hard to capture and record their processes. Such efforts have involved lengthy procedures, complex flowcharts, and heaps of documentation, all of which hinder productivity. These static records then quickly become dated and irrelevant – not to mention hard to find by those who need them, and tricky to understand once found.

When approached correctly, however, good process management ensures that business processes are owned, analyzed, and optimized. They are then made readily available via a single source and can help avoid the potential for costly silos while freeing up employee time to focus on larger business goals.

The business benefits of process management

Process management can provide numerous benefits to organizations, such as

Essentially, the system helps business leaders to improve overall organizational performance.

A core element of process management lies within identifying all-important business processes. When these are clearly mapped out, it’s possible to see any elements that are inefficient – or where bottlenecks are occurring.

Onboarding, for instance, is a process that, when mapped out effectively, can make life better for both your business and your new employee. Organizations want to get new employees settled, up to speed and contributing productively as fast as possible, while new employees want to get started in their role with minimal hold-ups. Successful process management makes this viable.

Other business benefits brought about by effective process management involve:

Boosted productivity

By removing redundant or inefficient steps in a workflow, employees will get tasks done faster and then have more time to spend on other value-adding functions within the business. This results in heightened productivity, and less time wasted.

Reduced costs

Once processes are mapped out, it’s easier to identify where costs can be cut. You may unearth hidden costs or spot entire processes that can be slashed to save on expenses.

Room for growth

Inefficient processes take up valuable time that could be focused on research or development. Reliable processes leave more resources open to dedicating to business growth.

Quality control

When processes are not standardized, quality control becomes harder to enforce. Standardized processes are easier to improve upon in the future. And as better methodologies are identified they can be rolled out across the business.

Enhanced security and compliance

Issues with security often arise from a lack of transparency. When each phase of a process is mapped out, managers and users can ensure that all necessary documentation is in place to meet compliance regulations.

Retained customers

When productivity and innovation go up, your services will improve, and your customers are more likely to be satisfied. This ultimately improves customer retention and brand loyalty.

Visibility and tracking

Greater transparency over processes means management has a better understanding of them. By analyzing the performance of each step in a process, it’s possible to gain a better insight into the overall business activity and to see where adaptations are needed. Essentially, efficient process management gives business leaders the opportunity to monitor processes and directly modify them, whilst tracking the outcomes.

All your business processes in one easily managed location with Nintex Promapp®

Nintex Promapp® is a process management software that helps organizations to understand, map, and manage their process knowledge from a central repository. Process management is simple with our process mapping software; designed to encourage company-wide collaboration, improve your processes, and boost accountability – all on a single, user-friendly platform.

With Nintex Promapp®, it’s easy to establish complete visibility and control over your business processes, so that you can focus on achieving your goals for 2020.



At Nintex, we make it fast and easy to manage, automate, and optimize your business processes. There’s nowhere better to get started with effective process management. If you want to get started, get in touch with the team at Nintex today or start your free trial.