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Blog April 19, 2022

An introduction to process discovery and how it can help your business

Learn how process discovery tools can help your business

The year began with a bang for Nintex. In February we announced our acquisition of Kryon, the process discovery innovator, and robotic process automation (RPA) leader. Kryon is taking process automation to the next level with its process discovery technology.

We’re incredibly excited to have the Kryon team join forces with us at Nintex, and so we wanted to explain how process discovery can help transform your automation projects and outline how Kryon’s process discovery tools fit in with the wider Nintex platform.

When and why process discovery is needed

First, some context. At the beginning of every process automation journey we highly recommend mapping out your processes. This way you can see what works and what doesn’t, as well as who and what is involved in each stage. With this knowledge, you can plan how to proceed and identify quick wins.

What’s more, everything is documented clearly so that everyone is always on the same page. Without this crucial stage, process automation projects can fall into disarray and it becomes impossible to keep track of what has been automated and how. It is also much harder to monitor progress and measure success.

It’s like stepping up to bat wearing a blindfold. Not only will it be almost impossible to anticipate the pitch, but if you do get lucky and hit the ball, you won’t know where it’s gone, where first base is, or what your best strategy going forward is. I don’t think your teammates will appreciate you taking this approach. It’s not in your or their best interest.

What is process discovery?

With Nintex Promapp, you can dive deep into the inner working of your workflows and create visual maps depicting what is involved at each stage. With process discovery, this is taken one step further. Process discovery speeds up digital transformation by not only providing greater visibility of the current state of processes within an organization, but by doing it for you—in terms of analyzing process data, mapping processes, and creating workflows.

It has never been quicker and easier to paint a detailed picture of which processes are ripe for automation—and you no longer have to expend the energy and time it would otherwise take. Essentially, Kryon allow organizations to automate the most critical stages of process automation. Automating the automation—pretty smart, right?

How process discovery tools work

Kryon’s solution was originally designed to help organizations deploy robotic process automation more efficiently. It searches through an organization’s IT systems, workflows, process maps, and any data related to processes. It then records and maps out the intricacies, both highlighting processes that are digital and have already been automated, as well as those that are not.

It’s a unique approach, visually mapping the main path and variants of any given process, evaluating its suitability for automation, and then generating appropriate workflows with this information. Unique algorithms make easy work of the task, running behind the scenes. An intelligent analytics engine crunches the data, recommending the best candidates for automation and even calculating estimated time and cost savings.

Discover process discovery with Nintex

What does this mean for our customers? It means more of what we do best. The Nintex Platform offers the complete range of process automation solutions—from document generation and workflow automation to robotic process automation. Kryon’s RPA and process discovery tools add greater depth to what we offer our customers.

At Nintex, we’re dedicated to providing our customers with the ultimate process automation toolkit. Whatever the job, there is an industry-leading solution to ensure that you get the best outcome. We are committed to your success, which is why we are so thrilled to have Kyron on board and part of the team.

As Nintex CEO, Eric Johnson says: “We are excited to welcome the Kryon team and look forward to offering Nintex customers and community members more advanced automation capabilities and automated process discovery technology within our platform. With Kryon’s innovative capabilities for RPA and process discovery, we are executing on our strategy to continually expand the breadth and depth of our process platform to ensure organizations in both the public and private sectors gain digital process competitive advantages.”

This acquisition follows on from three acquisitions in the previous 18 months, including K2 software to deepen our digital process automation capabilities and Nintex AssureSign to enhance how eSignature works on the platform.



To learn more about our process discovery tools and how Nintex can help you drive organization-wide digital transformation, get in contact with the Nintex team today.





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