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Home|Nintex Blog|A call to #BreakTheBias this International Women’s Day

A call to #BreakTheBias this International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day was first commemorated in 1911 at rallies in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men campaigned for women’s rights to vote, work, hold public office and to end discrimination.

In 2022—more than a century later—International Women’s Day will be held on March 8th and we’ll be focusing on a gender-equal world: a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive, free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.


As we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world, let’s turn our attention a little closer to home. We reached out to these Nintex people to get their opinion on the role of women in technology, how they made a start, and the significant impact of advocacy:

What advice would you give to younger women just entering the workforce today? ​

There is no challenge you can’t take on. No matter your career choice, you will be on a journey of lifelong learning. That uncomfortable feeling of being out of your depth is a good thing. Embrace it, use it to motivate you, and you will be successful.​

– Shaun Field, Nintex Senior Director, Engineering​

What first sparked your interest in working in the tech industry?​

Initially I wanted to get into accounting, but circumstances led me to study in IT. During my very first semester I started liking my subjects and the more I learnt about the impact technology can make in the world and how it changes our lives, the more I wanted to build software that can make an impact. During my bachelor’s degree I created an event management website. In the process of making this website, I realised I genuinely loved what I was doing and decided to pursue my career in the tech industry. ​

~ Lekha Gadhvi, Nintex Associate Test Automation Analyst​

What advice would you give yourself just starting out in tech? ​

I would share the same advice I gave myself in the beginning: ‘The tech industry’s future is bright and clear, so do not worry. Your job allows you to be creative and you get to help people all over the world who use the software you are testing. Keep on learning and growing, and the rewards will come after.’ This advice from Maya Angelou also rings true: ‘You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.’

~ Maria Alcantara, Nintex Test Analyst​

What does advocate behavior look like to you? What difference did an advocate make for you? ​

True advocacy is recognizing a person for exactly who they are and what they bring to the table. It’s not about making that person ‘into something’ but taking their precise skills, talents and interests and fighting for them to have a seat at the table for the good of all involved. The best advocates I have had in my life allowed me to pursue my potential as the person I am, and provide a safe place to grow, fail and succeed, all with consistent support and empowerment.   ​

~ Zoe Clelland, Vice President, Product & Experience​

 Why do you think it’s important for more women to join the tech industry?​

Today the tech industry has a wide-ranging impact on humanity, and any missteps can result in negative consequences for us all. This is why it is more important than ever for women to be a part of this journey as they bring to the table a diverse set of skills, experience, and perspective, which in turn allows for a well-balanced execution of the industry’s contributions to society over the next many years.  ​

~ Partha Ray, Nintex Director, Business Applications​

What benefits can organizations gain from having more women in senior leadership roles and in the general organization?

In my experience, all organizations can benefit by embracing and fostering a diverse employee base. Gender diversity is no different. Empowering women in any organization can provide a safe foundation for differing perspectives and enhanced collaboration; both tied to job satisfaction. In a period many are referring to as “The Great Resignation”, employee retention is imperative and often driven by women in leadership roles.

~ Amanda Slaughter, Nintex Chief of Staff

Although progress is ongoing, it has been predicted by the World Economic Forum that we won’t see gender parity for almost a century. Let’s all play an active role in doing what we can to challenge stereotypes, and celebrate the achievements of women who form an important part of our communities and workplaces.



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