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5 key automation features that ensure successful process management

In today’s digital world, business processes are more intelligent than they’ve ever been. The rise of automation has huge potential for organizations to better manage the many processes that keep their business running. But with the sheer number of options for introducing automation into their workflow, how do businesses know they’re making the most of this technology to more effectively manage their processes?

First, it’s important to research the capabilities of process automation platforms and how they apply to your own processes. Here are five key process management features within the Nintex Platform that help organizations optimize their processes on a large scale.

1.  Process mapping

Creating process maps is the first step to large-scale process optimization. They allow complex workflows to be presented as a simple, visual map, which helps workers to understand existing processes. A process map allows organizations to see every process they’re currently using and how they connect to each other. For example, many workflows contain processes that are performed by different departments – a process map will illuminate the effect of change throughout an organization. Once old or ineffective processes have been located, they can be updated or removed, and then workflows can be reassessed.

Process maps enable better visibility and more control over processes at any scale. By encouraging accountability throughout an organization, collaboration is achieved. This will ensure that processes continue to become more streamlined and effective.

2.  Automated workflows

Workflows are a set structure of business tasks. Many businesses organize their workflows digitally – however, this doesn’t automatically mean they’re as efficient or effective as they could be. Approval processes, for example, are notorious for causing delays because they’re manual and time-consuming. But this doesn’t have to be the case.

By using workflow automation, organizations can accelerate their processes, while reducing miscommunications and delays. Modernizing workflows with automation allows workers to automate unnecessary administrative tasks and remove process bottlenecks.

3.  Robot process automation (RPA)

For high-volume tasks, RPA can be used to create bots that automatically complete manual, repetitive tasks at a rate much faster than humans. Given a set of instructions, bots are capable of interacting with applications through their UIs, thus removing any need for human controls in manual tasks. Without the need to re-key data or complete repetitive tasks, workers are free to focus on work of a higher value.

RPA dramatically improves the speed and efficiency of administrative processes. Eliminating human error improves the reliability and inefficiency of existing compliance processes, reducing regulatory risks. The dramatically reduced time to complete tasks can lower costs and increase time-to-value, making RPA an essential feature of a complete process automation platform.

4.  Document generation

One of the most important steps to digitizing your business is to eliminate paper-based processes. Creating documents manually is time-consuming, wasteful, and vulnerable to error. However, with automation, it only takes a few seconds to create an accurate and compliant document.

Using document generation, or DocGen®, data can be used to create and populate forms, sales orders, or contracts in just a few clicks. Pre-approved business templates will ensure that every resulting document is always compliant with internal and external regulations. Without the need for paper documents, storing and locating digital files is simple and intuitive.

5.  Process intelligence

Data is one of an organization’s most valuable commodities. It provides feedback and insights that can ensure future growth and success. Manual data analysis can be time-consuming and often repetitive, requiring spreadsheets and data re-entry. However, process intelligence tools provide enterprise-grade analysis on a large scale without the need for manual collation.

By using a process intelligence tool, organizations gain total insight into the performance of their workflows. With data visualization and customizable analytics it’s easy to see where improvements can be made. Process intelligence harnesses the power of artificial intelligence, collecting raw data and analyzing it without the need for spreadsheets. Process intelligence, therefore, is a vital tool to make iterations and improvements that have long-term value to your organization.

The key to embracing process management improvements

The business landscape is changing dramatically and rapidly. In order to keep up with competitors, organizations are modernizing and digitizing their processes – process automation is one of the most effective methods of achieving this.

Nintex is at the forefront of process automation, offering the most advanced and complete toolset available. With a wide range of capabilities, organizations can choose the solutions that suit them best and implement an automation strategy that helps them make the most of process automation.


For more information about the wide range of automation solutions Nintex offers, contact us today.


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