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Blog June 27, 2018

Hidden treasure: 5 gems you’ll find in a Nintex Promapp® process map

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Good process management is key for business success. By viewing a process, users can grasp the important steps and flow. But some tools obscure process simplicity. Nintex Promapp®’s process map keeps it simple, makes processes easy for everyone to follow, and has several hidden treasures that not everyone is aware of.

Process maps should be simple and visible

According to research by Paul Harmon of BPTrends, more than 50% of companies surveyed recognize the importance of good processes in reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and more than a third see processes as a core element in driving continual improvement, innovation and sustained competitive advantage.

The ability to visualize your processes is a big part of what makes process management so helpful. Process maps transform wall-of-text procedures and SOPs into flowcharts and diagrams that are meant to help users identify and understand the process flow and the important steps.

But not all process maps are created equal. Some tools actually make things worse, obscuring the simplicity at the heart of the process or complicating the steps to the point of making the map not much more help than the document it was built from.

Nintex Promapp®’s process map was designed with simplicity at the forefront, but don’t let that clear, easy-to-follow interface fool you – there is surprising depth in the process map.

Here are 5 hidden treasures in a Nintex Promapp® process map:

1. Your process at a glance

A Nintex Promapp® process map has all the elements you’d expect to find. Activity blocks are clear and well defined, distinguishing each of the key steps. Where they occur in parallel with or contingent to other activities, Nintex Promapp® visually reflects the reality, making it easy to grasp the process flow, including swim lanes to show accountability and responsibility.

One of the hidden gems here is the swimlane icons. With automation becoming more and more significant in business processes, the Nintex Promapp® process map will identify which activities are conducted by roles within your organization, and which are automatically carried out within your business systems. This end-to-end visibility helps identify where key handoffs occur and supports robotic process automation (RPA).

Nintex Promapp® Advantages

2. Digging deeper

While the process map looks simple, all the detail users need is still right there. Clicking on any activity opens it up to show the individual tasks that need to be carried out. That includes notes on any frequently asked questions or potential variations.

Each activity pop-up also shows the documentation that is associated with that step, whether it’s instructional videos, checklists or the relevant regulations.

Nintex Promapp® Advantages

3. Let tags do the talking

A Nintex Promapp® process map view can also summarize costs and timeframes, or identify related process systems, lean opportunities or even automation. The tag switcher in the top right-hand corner toggles the various tags on or off.

When switched on, the tags show the relevant information on both the map overview and the activity pop-ups. That allows you to understand the cost of each step, or instantly identify steps that offer opportunities for improvement. Using automation tagging will highlight where activities can be assigned to bots or systems to further streamline your process, while the timeframe tags will show exactly where time is spent.

Nintex Promapp® Advantages

4. End-to-end visibility

Linking processes lets you capture complex procedures without getting bogged down in details or sacrificing the simplicity of your process map. The linked process defaults to a single box on the map, highlighting where the process contributes or connects, but the detail is all there.

One-click expands the linked process within the same map, showing all the activities and steps as part of the process you are viewing. Clicking the arrow icon again collapses it once more, so you can see the end-to-end effect in one process map.

Nintex Promapp® Advantages

5. Real risk relevance

Processes form the core of your business practice, and where risk management is important they are a vital part of the treatment regime. Nintex Promapp® shows you exactly where risks rely on your processes with risk alert icons on relevant activities.

Open the activity and hover over the risk button to see a summary of just what the potential for harm is, directly in the process map view. The button also acts as a link to take you directly to the relevant risk entry.

Nintex Promapp® Advantages

Simple doesn’t mean simplistic

Clear, concise process maps are a key element of successful business process management. Big Sky Associates, experts on organizational efficiency and security process for major military and government agencies, put it this way: ‘The visual aspect is key: If pictures are worth one thousand words, then a well-executed process map could be worth one million dollars (or more) in decision-making power.’

At first glance Nintex Promapp®’s process map is simple, but don’t mistake it for simplistic. It’s a powerful tool for understanding your processes and building excellence into your business process management.



Interested in better mapping and managing of your business processes? Click here to get a free trial of Nintex Promapp®.





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